The biggest lesson I had in my life was failure.

The biggest lesson we have to give our children is truth.

Not to be negative, but I think the biggest lesson is don't trust anyone.

My biggest lesson in becoming a woman is to really love what I've been given.

I think the biggest lesson I have learned is not to get too anxious about your work.

I have to say that the biggest lesson I have learned is to find your way to stand out.

The biggest lesson I learned in 2017 is do the best with what you have with where you are.

The biggest lesson I've learned about drawing is that it takes time. Which is really annoying.

You can't get married to any one particular plan. That is the biggest lesson I learned at PayPal.

I learned the biggest lesson just watching Ed McMahon, watching him watch Mr. Carson's monologue.

Learning to appreciate those things that aren't related to success has proved the biggest lesson.

The biggest lesson I've learned by living abroad for the last four years is the importance of communication.

Never lie to your mother. That's like the biggest lesson that I learned, learned throughout my life, you know?

The biggest lesson I learned from my dad is to support children even if they're doing something that is unorthodox.

Perhaps the biggest lesson that I would say is the one to learn is not to let fame and fortune get inside your head.

The biggest lesson my kids have taught me is to find the joy in little things, along with a healthy dose of patience.

The biggest lesson I've learned throughout the first season of 'Workin' Moms' is that you have to give yourself permission to forgive yourself.

The biggest lesson that I've learnt is that things can change so quickly, never get used to one thing because everything can flip on it's head.

The biggest lesson I learned from Vietnam is not to trust our own government statements. I had no idea until then that you could not rely on them.

If I have learned nothing else in all my years here, my biggest lesson is you have to constantly reinvent this company. That's how you get to be 103 years old.

My biggest lesson I've learned about love is to keep on loving. Love is love; it's amazing. It's fine. It hurts. It's probably one of the best experiences in life.

The biggest lesson I've learned is that hurt people hurt people, and kindness is just as contagious. So if you can focus your efforts on engineering kindness, it will prevail.

Try to accomplish things you have always dreamt of while you can. I know it sounds cliché, but the biggest lesson I have learned is that life is precious; enjoy it while it lasts.

Philosophically, what I have learned is to thy own self be true. That is the biggest lesson of all. Relax; music is fun. To many people take it to seriously because of the money involved.

When I talk to young people, I always tell them the biggest lesson I learned was that you shouldn't care about the outcome. If it fails, it fails. Every failure will groom you for your next big reward.

The biggest lesson that I've learned is that fashion is this tightrope where you have to be consistent but inconsistent. You need the connective thread but at the same time you need a sense of surprise.

The biggest lesson learned from 'X-Men: The Last Stand' or 'X3' was that if you are going to tell a Phoenix story, tell the Phoenix story. Don't make it the subplot of the movie. Make it the plot of the movie.

Teamwork. That's the biggest lesson you can learn from competing in NCAA gymnastics. Everyone just has to work together, you have to trust in everyone, and everyone has to push you to become the gymnast you want to be.

I've always tried to control everything and every aspect of my life, and this is maybe the biggest lesson I've learnt with motherhood - you just can't control everything, and I'm much more relaxed now about unexpected changes and things that happen.

I have learned a lot of interesting things about nutrition in my cricket career but the biggest lesson of all is to ensure your healthy eating habits are sustainable. The best way to eat healthily is to think of nutrition as a lifestyle, not as a diet.

The biggest lesson from Africa was that life's joys come mostly from relationships and friendships, not from material things. I saw time and again how much fun Africans had with their families and friends and on the sports fields; they laughed all the time.

Biggest lesson I learned my first year in the NFL is no one gives a crap about what you did last week. This league is about what have you done for me now. That's the NFL. It's also our culture. So you keep working hard because that's the biggest truth about football.

The single biggest lesson I learned was when a hire isn't working out fire them fast. My biggest mistakes, and where I've seen the worst results, were when I gave someone too many chances, or let a situation drift on for too long because I couldn't bring myself to terminate it.

I think the biggest lesson that I take from 'Avatar' on any set that I go to is just work ethic. Working with Jim Cameron, you're used to working very, very long days and you're very meticulous about details. He's very, very picky about little details, little character-isms and things.

The biggest lesson I've learned from my children is to look in the mirror at myself, not at them. I've realized that everything I've done has had an impact on them. We have to understand that they are like little paparazzi. They take our picture when we don't want them to and then they show it to us in their behavior.

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