As a director, you realise the bigger picture.

I'm looking to see what the bigger picture is.

I'm thinking bigger picture; I want a championship.

I've seen the world and I've seen the bigger picture.

In a bigger picture, all over the world is a boys' club.

Sometimes you have to make decisions for the bigger picture.

Seeing the bigger picture opens your eyes to what is the truth.

Sometimes you need to be aware of the bigger picture you are missing.

I see my songs and shows almost like a mosaic - part of a bigger picture.

You can never... any job you do, you can never think about the bigger picture.

I did learn that there's a bigger picture than just being the best at your sport.

It's funny: your happiness is contingent on a bigger picture besides just yourself.

I only play to win. I don't like losing. I never look at the money or the bigger picture.

As you grow older, you start looking at the bigger picture. You don't look at only yourself.

Life is too short to talk about the small, unimportant things when you catch the bigger picture.

I want my music to be treated as a book or a movie. It's not about the one single: it's about the bigger picture.

The kids get a vote. That's very important when it comes to raising kids. And always keep the bigger picture in mind.

I, personally, think there is a really danger of taking food too seriously. Food should be part of the bigger picture.

It's important to think about the bigger picture, especially if we are given these platforms. We can make a difference.

When it comes to talking about beating certain teams, we can be narrow-minded when we need to look at the bigger picture.

A part of the bigger picture is much more interesting to me than just bringing attention or focus on myself or my character.

If you start to believe the hype about yourself, then you start to lose the bigger picture, and your focus is in the wrong place.

When things don't happen in my life, I believe that I've been pushed into another path for a reason, and there's a bigger picture.

What I'm saying is, when you have weight like that in your life, you have to start looking for the bigger picture or you are gonna sink.

We normally know Jesus as a humble, loving servant, which He is. But Revelations gives us the bigger picture of who Jesus is, in His glory.

I love those moments in any movie or film where there's a reference to a bigger picture, especially in Marvel where everything is connected.

Sometimes, players find it impossible to see the bigger picture after games for the simple reason that we are the ones who have actually played.

Human beings exist that have integrity, that know how to keep their mouth shut, that know the bigger picture, that don't sell out their friends.

I never looked at the bigger picture. I was just so passionate about football; I just wanted an opportunity to play with no barriers and no stigma.

I am a creative person, and knew my bigger picture would be writing, directing, and producing; that's what I've always thought I would get to one day.

I'm always thinking about the bigger picture and always feeling so much for everybody else, and kind of experiencing the pain of the world, personally.

We have to remember the bigger picture: the U.S.-Israel alliance is too important to be hijacked by political interests or undermined by perceived riffs.

People so often forget that their Instagram is more than just their latest post. Before posting, step back and look at the bigger picture, a.k.a. your 'flow.'

I run into a lot of ignorance and stupidity. It gets really frustrating, but you have to take yourself out of it and realize what's happening in the bigger picture.

Social media forced us to look at the bigger picture. More people are standing up saying, 'Hey, wait, this is beautiful, too,' and the fashion industry is listening.

The actor is concerned with his own bit of it, but the director's somehow trying to work the whole thing into a much bigger picture. It's like conducting an orchestra.

We should be looking at the bigger picture. It's all very well going around driving our Priuses, but we have to look to our governments to make us less reliant on oil.

I liked his ability to deal with a lot of the negativity that surrounded him. Even though he was in a world that he didn't want to be in, he still saw the bigger picture.

I think I'm a better collaborator, in seeing the bigger picture and trying to just help that, and not be so self-centered in whatever my task is, which is being an actor.

You definitely have to think of the perception of things before you actually do certain things. It may not seem like it's a big deal to you yourself, but there's a bigger picture.

When you boil war down or all conflict down to two people, it's a great advert for humanity sometimes. People can find connections with each other, regardless of the bigger picture.

As a head coach you have to think about the entire group with every decision you make. Up and down the line, front and back, it has to be about the entire group and the bigger picture.

I know that it isn't just violence against women, it's how do we support ourselves and our families, how do we deal with health care for ourselves and our families? It's a bigger picture.

I've never worked in advertising - my experience was as an editorial designer for magazines - but you could say, in the bigger picture, that magazines are vehicles for colour advertising.

Some people just don't want to see change, but thankfully there are a lot of people more optimistic for something new in music, even with the bigger picture like with Obama getting elected.

Places are part of nature, of the bigger picture. We are interrelated. When we contemplate them in their own right, they can sometimes change our lives; they can become spiritual experiences.

I enjoy every second I get in the ring. But there's a bigger picture now and a much bigger purpose to everything, and it's to take care of my kids and my wife and make sure they have a good future.

I try to send out a good message - I sometimes get asked for advice for leaving home and trying to 'make it' overseas. I would always say think long term, and think bigger picture: make the sacrifice.

People have to understand what my game is. It's not all about numbers. There's a bigger picture here. I don't create off the dribble. I rely on my teammates; my role is to set screens and get rebounds.

As an actor, you really want to respect and honor the script. You want to try to be in the moment and you also realize that you're one part of a bigger picture and when they call action, you have your dance.

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