I've got big feet, so filling someone else's big shoes doesn't scare me.

I had big shoes to fill, but the way we have been playing has made the transition easy.

I've got big shoes to fill. This is my chance to do something. I have to seize the moment.

I was shying away from acting for the longest time - because of having such big shoes to fill.

I didn't feel a specific pressure to prove myself because I had an actor in the family. I didn't feel that pressure to fill some big shoes or anything.

I thought I would dress in baggy pants, big shoes, a cane and a derby hat. everything a contradiction: the pants baggy, the coat tight, the hat small and the shoes large.

Being the keynote speaker at the convention this year is an honor I don't take lightly. I know I've got some big shoes to fill. Two conventions ago, the keynote speaker was a guy named Barack Obama.

It wasn't easy once I started running 20th Century Fox. There were a lot of eyebrows raised, and it wasn't easy, that transition, because, you know, I had big shoes to fill and I was very young, 27.

We've seen many heroes from Jamaica, you know, and to be put in that class or to be looked upon on that level is overwhelming. It's pretty big shoes to fill, you know. I'm a size eight, but I'll try my best.

Houston is just where the whole swag comes from, the culture. We have some of the most legendary groups and people coming out the city. I know I have big shoes to fill because these people are legends. I don't want to disappoint the city.

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