I'm a big fan of dreams. Unfortunately, dreams are our first casualty in life - people seem to give them up, quicker than anything, for a 'reality.'

Policies that promote better wages and better jobs would be super-helpful, and I'm a big fan of programs that encourage people to go where jobs are.

I always keep a little bit of Lindt or Ghirardelli milk chocolate for when I'm stuck in traffic. And I'm a big fan of Mentos during long plane rides.

Tony Currie was another great favourite, even if he only played for a short time at Leeds. His wife told me once that she was a big fan of 'My Hero'.

I'm a big fan of Yoko, one of those weird people who really love her music, and who argues with people all the time, because people do write her off.

I'm a big fan of Kurt Cobain. I put a picture of him holding a gun on my Instagram for his birthday. He's definitely one of my favorite rock artists.

When I was a kid, I was a big fan of the regional scene. I read 'Pro Wrestling Illustrated,' and I watched Portland Wrestling and everything I could.

I'm a big fan of having a team with different thoughts and backgrounds and experiences; that makes for a better enterprise and better decision-making.

I have always been a big fan of MAC! I like how the brand turns makeup into a form of self-expression which always gives me great confidence on stage.

I like Ryan Gosling as an actor. I watch all of his movies, and he's Canadian and I just like his swag. I read his interviews and I'm a big fan of his.

I am a big fan of 'E.T.,' of course. And I remember watching 'Jurassic Park' - I was so into it. Oh, and 'Schindler's List.' That one was amazing, too.

I've always really been a big fan of rock music. I wanted to record rock music when I was 14 or 15, but I was too young; it would have been ridiculous.

I've never been a big fan of making telepathy to the audience. That would be too much a wink in the eye. That would make people around me fools, right?

Allison Janney, I'm such a big fan of. Especially the way she conducts herself on a personal level, it's so beautiful. She's this fun, gracious person.

My dad is a huge Habs fan. He'd always be yelling at the TV and screaming at the players. I just started watching with him once, and I became a big fan.

There is something that feels stagnant about having things you don't use or wear. But shoes are my thing. Shoes and scarves, I'm a big fan of the scarf.

Chet Faker's a reference to the late Chet Baker. I'm a big fan of his vocal style; it's quite fragile and soft, and that was a style I wanted to take on.

I'm sure there are a few things in my CD collection that might surprise people. I like classical music, the blues, and I'm a big fan of alternative rock.

I'm a big fan of monsters. Number one, they're fun, and two, they're such great ways to access the subconscious fears and beliefs of any group of people.

I was so sad that 'Best Friends Forever' got cancelled. I thought it was a great show and NBC didn't give it a chance. I'm a big fan of the NBC comedies.

I was a big fan of amateur wrestling, and I loved it and dedicated my whole life to it for 20-something years, and it's not really a glory-getting sport.

It might sound strange coming from a home secretary - I'm a big fan of immigration and what it means for our country, in terms of how it makes us stronger.

You know what, I'm a big, big fan of 'Heroes,' but the day they told me that the end of the world was coming, and that day didn't come, I stopped watching.

I'm a big fan of glamour. It's something I don't think there's enough of in Hollywood anymore. I enjoy putting on a sexy dress and heels. I want to work it.

I'm a big fan of the 'Rocky' series. Given the chance, I'd love to meet Sylvester Stallone. But apart from boxing, I'm an ardent fan of tennis and football.

I'm a big fan of Caribbean food, Spanish food, Dominican food - like rice and beans. Hot sauce just adds a different layer of boom to the food, you feel me?

I - obviously, I'm not a big fan of President Obama. I think he's been one of our weakest presidents. I just fundamentally disagree with him philosophically.

I'm not a very big fan of 'Slumdog Millionaire.' I think it's visually brilliant. But I have problems with the story line. I find the storyline unconvincing.

I'm a big fan of spinning and yoga. To strengthen my core, kick-boxing is really effective. The resistance tones everything, and it's a great stress reliever.

Always a big fan of the Browns, of course. No wonder how bad they lost or how much we froze to death out there, we still went to the games to watch them lose.

I have always been a big fan of combat sports - ever since I can remember, it was something that appealed to me and something that I thought I would be good at.

I was a big fan of Shia LaBeouf and 'Even Stevens' and was like, 'Oh, man. I would love to be on Disney Channel and have a show,' because it was what I watched.

When I was a young kid, my father was a big fan of Hollywood movies. He would make me watch movies with him, and he would explain the story and characters to me.

I am still a big fan of Jogi Low, and not just in terms of the sporting side of things. This applies to his character, his leadership qualities and his humanity.

For me, the obvious examples of tag teams I was a big fan of, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard. I would watch them and be blown away by how incredible they were.

I was a big fan of how Johnny Carson hosted awards shows. Dick Cavett, as well, I think did a really great job of providing a nice blend of comedy, wit and class.

I was a big fan of 'Blackadder,' and my first commercial was directed by John Lloyd - I could have bored him for hours if I'd known he directed my favourite show!

Like, I'm a big fan of films from the '70s, like Cassavetes and things, where they just keep the dialogue really loose and just kind of roll, you know what I mean?

I'm a big fan of small business ownership. I think it's the backbone of American innovation. But to be successful, you first have to have the courage to go for it.

I'm a big fan of huge populations of people, so you'd think with 300 million people in the country, you don't even have to please 1% to be phenomenally successful.

Well, I've been a big fan of comic books since I was a little kid. In fact, I used to write and draw my own comic books when I was on the old Lost in Space series.

I am a big fan of the following priorities: first the country, then the party and then the person. I believe that this gives credibility and I want to be credible.

I'm not a big fan of the Mediterranean, but being in the Bay of Biscay, the sea is forever changing, and on a clear day, you see as far as Spain. It's incomparable.

I am a very big fan of Brian Eno, of his work as an artist and making his music, and as a producer. In some ways, I have looked to his career as a model for my own.

I'm a big fan of Elmore Leonard, and I've read Ian Rankin, Christopher Brookmyre and so on. But I'd never read a crime novel that made me feel emotional at the end.

I'm just not a big fan of the too-cool-for-school indie world. Metal bands have never been invited or been able to be part of the cool kids, and I like it that way.

'Unforgotten' was a bit of a no-brainer. I'm a big fan of crime dramas, but often the 'investigation' part goes much too smoothly - and you don't get that with this.

One of my biggest influences of all time would be somebody like Tom Waits. David Bowie is another huge influence. I'm also a big fan of St. Vincent and Leslie Feist.

I was a big fan of Jim Hall as well. I liked his comping style, his accompanying. And that he played, generally, four note chords, the top four strings of the guitar.

In most matters regarding apparel, I am a big fan of natural fibers - wool, cotton, and so on. Not when it comes to socks. An elastic fiber of some type is necessary.

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