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I grew up in a big family with a lot of kids around, and I definitely want to have children as well.
I have a very big family and a lot of friends, and buying presents is one of my favorite things to do.
I grew up in a big family. You have to learn to get along with each other... get things done as a family.
I made a big family when I was working at 'Vogue' for ten years, and I'm still friends with a lot of them.
Coming from a big family, I learned a lot. Things don't have to be perfect. You can do okay with 'almost.'
I come from a big family of storytellers and, growing up, I liked hearing about the years before I was born.
We are a big family; we are all very close, and we always want to talk about what is going on with each other.
I love having a big family. I think it's easier, oddly, in some ways, having three children as opposed to one.
We don't really have any big family traditions; just spending time with each other is the most important part.
Motor racing is like one big family, ultimately, and when you come back to it, that's really what it feels like.
I think coming from a big family, it helps you to keep your sense of humor about certain things... even politics.
I am grateful every morning I wake up. I've a big family full of kids, who laugh all the time and love each other.
It's crazy to see all the fans, and it's cool to see them all support each other - it all feels like one big family.
At Madrid we are like one big family. We're all united because we know we have to be, otherwise we're going nowhere.
I have a big family. Even though it's only three kids in our family, it's always aunts and uncles and the whole thing.
Everyone in my family has been in music - my cousins, my grandmother, my grandfather - so it's quite a big family tree.
My grandfather created a big family in Italy. He protected the family; he helped them in hospitals and stuff like that.
Regarding marriage, it - somehow, it didn't happen. One fellow in such a big family not getting married is not an issue.
On various occasions we have been able to host almost all Monegasques on the palace square... It feels like a big family.
Burning Man is like a big family picnic. Would you sell things to one another at a family picnic? No, you'd share things.
I have a big family full of massive personalities so i just sit there most of the time great fun to listen to their stories.
I've always wanted a family since I was a little girl - a big family. I'm an only child, so I wanted, like, 10 kids... for sure.
As a child, we visited the San Juan Islands during the summer. Kayaking, big family meals, playing on the beach - great memories!
I'd like to someday see myself married to my true love and starting a big family, and at the same time still having an artistic job.
In a big family the first child is kind of like the first pancake. If it's not perfect, that's okay, there are a lot more coming along.
I feel incredibly successful. I make a living as a writer and am able to help support a big family, my church, my bleeding-heart causes.
My folks ain't graduated from high school or nothing like that, so we always had to struggle in the family - and I come from a big family.
My sister and I - growing up, it was just the two of us, so we love that we're getting a big family and, you know, lots to be grateful for.
I always say I represent my family when I'm in my country, but I represent my big family, which is Georgia, when I'm outside of my country.
I sort of came from a big family - eight kids - and I guess I always, more than most people, really revel in privacy and solitude sometimes.
I grew up in a family where I had a lot of different siblings from - you know, I grew up in a big family, and I think it's a beautiful thing.
I think growing up in a big family taught me a lot of problem solving and how to share and compromise, and that's been helpful in my marriage.
What's so beautiful about Miami is that we support each other. We're just one big family, not just the entertainers, just everyone in general.
I come from a big family of hairdressers; they didn't read newspapers. I would say, 'I'm off to Afghanistan...' and they would say, 'Have fun!'
I have a very big family, and that is my number one thing, and we go away for a month to see my cousins in Italy every year, but I need to work.
We don't have nannies and all that, we look after our own kids. It's just what you do. If you want a big family that's just what you do, isn't it?
Life as an only child can be a bit lonely, and when I had Finley, I decided that if I could give him a big family, I wanted to as much as possible.
My grandma told me that to be wealthy you need at least seven streams of income, so that's my goal. I have a big family. I want to take care of everybody.
When you're in a big family you have to hustle all the time. But I think that's a good quality to instill in your children, for whatever they have to get.
I got family in the U.K. on my dad's side of the family. My grandfather's brother moved to the U.K. from Jamaica. It's a pretty big family I'll have there.
To just get in front of different kinds of audiences is important for me. I do think it's important for music to be a big family. Whether it's country or not.
I've never had siblings, I didn't grow up in a big family; it was just me and my single mom. And hectic family dysfunction was actually something that I craved.
Thanksgiving Day, we do a huge lunch. Big family, like, 60 people, we get together. Everybody brings a covered dish, everybody brings a dessert, and we go all out.
There are massive camps in Bollywood. I never belonged to any camps, but I think it was a wrong move. I should have had. It affects your career. It's one big family.
I was born William. My father was William. I came from a big family, I hated being called Billy. Willem's a nickname; it's a Dutch name, very common in the Netherlands.
I came from a big family - two brothers and two sisters. So, there were always a ton of boys around and a ton of girls around. So, I grew up comfortable with both sexes.
When you worked in a studio it was the studio system that you kind of missed because it was a big, big family. I mean MGM had 5,000 people working a day there. You miss it.
I'm from a big family; I have four younger siblings. My parents are still happily married together. I grew up moving around a lot, and my family was certainly not affluent.
I had five sisters and one brother, so having a big family is a given for me, but now being a father, and trying to be a good father, I already have my work cut out for me.
We need to recover our true nature by relocating ourselves on this planet, being respectful of our environment, and living in harmony with other species - like a big family.