I want to see better quality of comedy on TV.

A better quality of video is better for everyone.

Energy is necessary for economic growth, for a better quality of life, and for human progress.

The result of long-term relationships is better and better quality, and lower and lower costs.

There is no cure for emphysema, but you can start treating it and have a better quality of life.

If you want to meet a better quality man, you're going to have to get used to taking more risks.

I'm pretty conservative. I believe that buying good quality is a good investment. I buy fewer things but of better quality.

Consumers are going to have get used to eating less meat - to paying more for better quality meat and eating significantly less of it.

If economic progress is not translated into better quality of life and respect for citizens' rights, we will witness more Tahrir Squares in Africa.

We have to have an economy that is strong for everyone, working families who believe they can get ahead and give the children a better quality of life.

There are billions of people in the world who deserve the better quality of life that products such as soap, shampoo, and clean drinking water can provide.

If Mom is healthy, then her child is more likely to thrive, more likely to have a better quality of life and, ultimately, better able to provide for his or herself.

It doesn't really matter who owns things so long there is enough competition, which means lower pricing, better quality goods, more variety, and an economy where the consumers are the big winners.

Kids go to school; we develop them at school. We develop them later on in the workplace so that we get better quality individuals, so that we get less people that are dependent or get into problems.

It's obvious that the key problem facing humanity in the coming century is how to bring a better quality of life - for 8 billion or more people - without wrecking the environment entirely in the attempt.

We can do better in higher education. And it is more than just technology. It's also an attitude on the part of faculty. We need to think through how we can produce a better quality product at less cost.

Sleep is essential for the body and mind and restful sleep is one of the foundations of good health. Recharging and rejuvenating body and mind sufficiently every night is important for better quality of life.

Human nature doesn't change. When enough people are comfortable enough financially, there is going to be human nature that wants to spend more money on better quality and, to some degree, status symbols as well.

U.S. trade policy is not just about the relationship between our nation and other countries. It is part of a larger conversation about living wage, consumer protection, job security, and a better quality of life for all Americans.

I think that AI will lead to a low cost and better quality life for millions of people. Like electricity, it's a possibility to build a wonderful society. Also, right now, I don't see a clear path for AI to surpass human-level intelligence.

We were also able to do a great deal of work to improve highways, airports and airways, waterways, and railways, all of which are important and have provided a better quality of life and economic development opportunities for my constituents.

My deal is have a flat, simple tax. And - Americans want - Americans I hope - aspire to be - be wealthy. I hope they aspire to have a better quality of life. And we have this class warfare that's going on now. And I don't agree with that. I'm interested in people getting to work.

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