I have always thought to do my best work.

U2's best work has always been when we didn't know what we're doing.

It's important to always do your best work, no matter what the film is.

There's always so much stuff to do. I work best when my diary just says 'MNEK, MNEK, MNEK.'

Be proud of your Latino culture and do the best work you can do, and you will always succeed.

Everybody knows I work every single day, I never rest, and I always work to give my best to the fans.

I've always wanted to work with the best directors. Directors lead you to the best material and thus the best actors.

I do my best work when I feel conviction to say something through the character I play. Always I want to have integrity and not compromise that.

If you can create an environment where people are invited to do their best work and the best ideas always win, then the project itself will win.

As a competitive athlete, you always want to come out on top and give your best work. So whether it's my sister or any other opponent, I'm competitive.

When I was young, I was very blessed to have this insight that my best work would be when I was an older actress. I just always knew that as a young actress.

When I walk onto a set, no matter what it is, I always do the very best work that I can. But I'm not braindead, and I want to do things that I want to do, you know?

Fifty is the new forty. I always thought my best work would come in the years forty to sixty, if I was fortunate enough to hang around - and it is hard to stick around.

For me, if I had a magical match that I was so proud of, and I had to work the same person after that again, it was always about topping that last thing and being the best.

I had criticism in different clubs I played for. When i played in Corinthians, Tottenham and Barcelona there was some criticism but I always did my work, trying to do my best.

Whoever is on the bench always says he isn't playing enough. I work hard and try to do my best. And I try to show on the pitch, even when I only get five minutes, that I can do something.

For me, it's always been about the work - it wasn't about, 'Let's go break some ceilings.' I just wanted to tell an important story and do the best work I can. Everything else is secondary.

Maybe it's a cultural thing, being Korean, but my first reflex has always been to exude humility - but it doesn't help you in acting. For acting, humility isn't the best thing. It'll weaken your work.

As a woman, and as somebody in the public eye, we always have to be ready for the red carpet and have the nicest outfit, work with the best makeup artist. While all that's nice, we're also human beings.

You've always got to work with the best if you can, and of course, the best are the best because they're different. They expect certain standards, and they're usually very difficult people to work with.

I think the important thing for budding cricketers is to always put in 100 per cent - to continue to be your best, work hard, don't ever think you are at the top of your ability, you can always improve.

I had one of my best years in 1991; I was 31. I made a renewed effort to work harder. I got better at my diet. I paid attention to how much sleep I got. I was always someone of routine. I became more strict.

I find that I do my best work at the beginning of the day, but I'm rarely in a writing mood when I sit down. I'm usually somewhat sleep-deprived, and I always have a long list of other responsibilities calling my name.

Of course we go to Montreal to work as hard as we can and do the best we can, the same way we go everything, but I think if we always think we need to score points, we start forgetting about the stuff we have to do to get there.

Acting still rings my bell as much as it did in high school. Plus, I can now indulge my interests as a producer as well. My work is more fun than fun but, best of all, it's still very scary. You are always walking some kind of high wire.

I was always critiquing my work. I let everybody else around - producers, directors, other actors - they give the nod of approval or the praise. Because I tried to always bring the best, so even if they were happy with it, I was still scrutinizing it.

I'm a little bit of an eternal optimist. People always say to me, 'If you go do this and it fails, what are you going to do?' I don't care. I'm going to give it my best shot. That's what I'm going to do. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. And I'll try again.

The crew knew because they had heard from other people, and when I showed up on the set the next day, they were all looking at me kind of weird. I told them that Bill always taught me that whenever something bad like that happens, the best thing to do is work.

It really didn't matter how much work I had to put in... I was always going to give my best. And I think that if a lot of kids can realize that, and stick with that mindset, they won't get so stressed about certain things, and they can just live and play freely.

I always think British films work best when they're very honest to a particular part of England. 'Four Weddings and a Funeral' was true to middle-class people, 'Bend it Like Beckham' was faithful to the Indian community, and 'Billy Elliot' was faithful to the miners.

I do my best to work out 5 days a week. There are times when I can only get in 3 days a week because I am traveling or just need rest due to a hectic schedule. But working out is always a priority, and if I fall off due to my schedule, it is not long before I get back on track.

I've always wanted to work with Barbra Streisand because she's worked with some of the best background singers in the world who are friends of mine, worked with them in concert or on movie soundtracks, and I always say 'Now, where was I? Where was I when she was hiring people to work with her?'

If I had a story idea that I felt would work best in three volumes I might write a trilogy eventually. I'd very likely write it all at once, though, so I could work on it as a whole and not broken into individual volumes. I don't always write in order, so composing multi-book stories could get complicated.

The message films that try to be message films always fail. Likewise with documentaries. The documentaries that work best are the ones that eschew a simple message for an odd angle. I found that one of the most spectacular films about the Middle East was 'Waltz With Bashir,' or 'The Gatekeepers,' or '5 Broken Cameras.'

With film, I always sit with people first and talk a while, and then we read or sing or whatever. I never sit behind a table. I get up; I work with them. I do everything I possibly can to not audition them. I can find out the best of them from them feeling comfortable and appreciated. I'd never let someone leave feeling not valued.

There's nothing better than having a baby. I've always loved children. I used to work summers at the YMCA and be in charge of, like, 30 preschool kids. I knew that when I had a child, I'd be overwhelmed, and it's true... I can't tell you how much my attitude has changed since we've got Frances. Holding my baby is the best drug in the world.

I mean, I was always hoping to play in the NBA. Of course, when that thing happened, you're like, 'Finally, I did it, but the work starts now.' I didn't want to just be known as OK, I came to the NBA, and then in a few years, you're gone. First my goal was to be the best Slovenian player in the league. Of course, after that, your appetite goes up.

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