As long as I know that I give my best every time, I can sleep well knowing that.

I struggled quite a long time with my backhand, which was one of my best weapons before my surgery.

Romney-Ryan is likely the best matched 'team' that has been on a national ticket in a very long time.

John Legend is, in my opinion, classic. He is one of the best finds that has come along in a long time.

A long time ago, in a country not so far away, I was eight years old, doing my best Darth Vader imitation.

I've got a long way to go to being the ultimate best, but I think my time is now. And I'm starting to enter my prime.

For a long time, I was under the impression that 'Terry and the Pirates' was the best comic strip in the United States.

It may have lost its special-ness forever and the clubs might not being doing well but I think standup is in the best shape it has been in a long time.

Working with David Lynch was like taking a bullet. A gun at you. 'Lost Highway' is, I think, one of the best films I've ever been in. It'll endure a long, long time.

My grandmother told me a long time ago, 'I don't care if you're sweeping a porch for a living.' She said, 'You need to do your best.' So I've lived by that every single day.

You try to figure out the best way to throw the shot put, or the perfect way to long jump, and you don't ever get it. You just chip away, chip away, chip away as time goes on.

Eddie Murphy was my guy for a long time. My first exposure to 'SNL' was his 'Best Of' VHS, and I would watch it over and over again. He was one of the few people on the show to play with the live elements and engage with the audience.

I never dreamed we would be on television at all, much less for such a long time and with so much praise for keeping a thought provoking show on the air. And best of all, we were able to do what we do and still have all our fingers and toes.

I've been very excited to have children for a long time. It definitely added an interesting twist to the night we screened 'Lyle' at Outfest, and I got up to do the Q&A, and I had this huge belly no one was expecting. It creeped everybody out in the best way.

For us, it's a matter of just staying alive and getting the best deal we can now. Eventually, this will all straighten out. It may be two generations away or 10 generations away, but time is irrelevant in that sense. As long as we, as a people, stay alive, we will survive.

There are some ballets you can do for a long time. With others, you have to know when to stop. Some are very destructive. Forsythe's choreography pushes dancers to the extreme. That's why it's best to vary. That way, you break your body a little bit in different places, but not a lot in one place.

There's this long tradition of... even 'Where The Wild Things Are,' which many people consider the best kids' picture book of all time. It was considered revolutionary, and some libraries wouldn't carry it. But it's a classic because it taps into empowerment for kids, kids facing dangers and winning.

I was in the doldrums for a while after my athletics career ended in 1992. I spent six to eight hours a day training, for 18 years, and it took a long time to get over the regret that I wasn't competing in major championships any more. All I ever wanted to be was the best. But I find new projects and I keep things in perspective.

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