While reflecting on past relationships and learning from them can be helpful, February isn't the best time to try and gain insight.

One of the things that is very silly - and I hear from educators all the time - is that schools essentially teach kids to learn. They don't need school for that. Learning is what they do best.

I always believed in getting better and better in each and every format and give my best. As a batsman, it is important to keep learning every time and stay hungry for your runs. I don't get satisfied.

The best thing - I say it all the time - what happened at Oklahoma was sitting for a year after I transferred. To sit there and be able to focus on the physical parts of my body. You know, develop, and then the mental side of the game, learning.

I describe my projects using colors because it's the best way to describe 'em. I would say that 'Moon Shoes' was way more colorful than a lot of my other music, just because I was pulling from so many different places. Imagine learning how to talk for the first time, and you're just saying everything.

Marvin Harrison was the best receiver I played against, especially being a young player and just learning the game at this level. He was already at a high level, and the job was made even more difficult because it seemed like every time we played the Colts it was in Indianapolis, where they played on turf - that old AstroTurf.

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