Experience is the best teacher.

Injuries are our best teachers.

The best teacher is an entertainer.

Life experience is the best teacher.

The best teacher is very interactive.

Mistakes are often the best teachers.

To remind me, pain is the best teacher

The best teacher in life is experience.

I never studied, but I had the best teachers.

I always feel the audience is my best teacher.

The best teacher for a leader is evaluated experience.

Experience is not the best teacher; evaluated experience is.

Experience isn't the best teacher - evaluated experience is.

Experiences isn't the best teacher - evaluated experience is.

Experience is the best teacher, but a fool will learn from no other.

Experience is the best teacher. A compelling story is a close second.

The best teacher of children, in brief, is one who is essentially childlike.

The best teachers that I had were always the ones I never wanted to disappoint.

Experience is not the best teacher. Other people's experience is the best teacher.

The best teachers aren't those who answer our questions, but those who question our answers.

... to write well it is entirely necessary to read widely and deeply. Good poems are the best teachers.

Celebrate every relationship you've ever had. For better or worse, your relationships are your best teachers.

My best teachers were not the ones who knew all the answers, but those who were deeply excited by questions they couldn't answer.

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