The gym is the best place you'll ever be.

Scotland is the best place in the whole world.

The best place to begin is always with gratitude.

The best place to find things: the public library.

The Monmouth Coffee Shop is the best place in London

The best place to defend is in the opposition penalty box.

The best place a person can die, is where they die for others.

The past is so reliable, so delightful and the best place to live.

This is the theater. And this is the best place for the imagination.

At the end of oneself was the best place to discover the Lord at work.

We English have sex on the brain. Not the best place for it, actually.

I lived in Los Angeles in the '80s, which was not the best place to be.

Silicon Valley is the best place to start a tech company in so many ways.

A kitchen is a good place to be, almost always the best place in the house.

Ah, if only the best place for storing embryonic stem cells was Yucca Flat.

I have a debt, a loyalty to the museum; the best place for me to do what I wanted to do.

You do what you have to do to get through today, and that puts you in the best place tomorrow.

I have written much about many good places. But the best places of all, I have never mentioned.

Never be afraid to make a fool of yourself. The furthest out you can go is the best place to be.

I've always said that next to Imperial China, the South is the best place in the world to be an old lady.

Good salespeople sell value and social media is the best place to find this value because of its transparency.

The best place any Christian can ever be in is to be totally destitute and totally dependant upon God, and know it.

Perhaps my number one rule is: Don't try to make a profit on a bad trade, just try to find the best place to get out.

I really don't think of myself as a singer. I think of myself as an entertainer, and the best place I do it is onstage.

I don't leave my room, and all I am surrounded by are guitars and equipment, y'know? It's not always the best place to be.

... we need to reclaim the "goodnewness" of the gospel, and the best place to start is to rediscover the good news ourselves.

I love movie sets. It's another home for me. Movie theaters and movie sets - they're just the best places to be. I love them.

With the way I like to work, I always have to draw [inspiration] from somewhere, and the best place to take from is your own life.

I'm so in control of my life, you shouldn't dislike anything I do-because I'm not only in the best place I've ever been, but it keeps getting better and better.

I know. That sounds like a lie. But Presbyterians know that every so often a lie isn't all that bad, and I figured that this was about the best place it could happen.

The highest point of music for me is to become in a place where there is no desire, no craving, wanting to do anything else. It is the best place you have ever been, and yet there is nothing there.

The end of 'The End' is the best place to begin 'The End', because if you read 'The End' from the beginning of the beginning of 'The End' to the end of the end of 'The End', you will arrive at the end.

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