My parents prepared me for the worst, hoped for the best.

My parents told me either I choose badminton, or school has to make the best of me.

My parents always wanted the very best for me and pushed me further and further, so that stuck with me.

My parents sacrificed so much for all of us. It makes me want to give back to them by being the best I can be.

I really, really admire my parents so much, for how they raised me. They're some of the best human beings I know.

The best part is when parents come up to me with their kids, and they say, 'My daughter started gymnastics because of you.'

I used to get so upset when my parents took away my phone and then I realized it's because they wanted the best for me and my brothers. I have a whole new appreciation for how they raised us.

The best thing my parents did was to make me study in Chennai. I was in a school where most others around me were also from film industry families so none of us realised what our parents were.

It distresses me that parents insist that their children read or make them read. The best way for children to treasure reading is to see the adults in their lives reading for their own pleasure.

And after every audition I booked, my parents would buy me a Barbie, so that was it for me: You got a Barbie, and you got to hang out with friends. And I thought it was just the best thing ever.

My parents wielded disposal cameras and Polaroids with the best of them, occasionally begging for at least one decent photo of my brother and me at the state fair, in front of the Golden Gate bridge, or smiling half-heartedly next to a mascot.

I was so young when I started that I didn't really understand all of it. We'd show up and have the slurs being thrown out there, but my parents always dealt with that. They just told me to go out there, do my best, and try to win. Go out there and race well and they'll shut right up.

That was my dream, to compete against the best surfers in the best waves. But as a kid, it all seemed so unattainable. It was this big dream, but deep down I never thought it could really happen. But my parents always believed I could do it, and they helped me get through all the stages and take all the right steps.

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