This is the best thing that happens to me all night - a pint of cold Guinness.

I'm a night owl, and luckily my profession supports that. The best ideas come to me in the dead of night.

I'm going to play at the highest I can, the best I can every night. Wherever that lands me, that's where it lands me.

I write best late at night, when everyone in the house has gone to bed. There's something magical about that late night silence that appeals to me.

Willie Mays was the best ever. When I was in college I once made a catch like the one Mays made over his head. Sometimes when I'm lying in bed at night I think about it. It still makes me warm.

One of the best things that ever happened to me was Rocky Horror being a total flop in New York as a play. I mean, it was a disaster, and it was the night of the long knives as far as the critics were concerned.

I was blessed enough to talk to my grandfather the night before he passed, and he told me that everything was going to be okay, and I know he wanted me continue and do my best, be happy, and that's what keeps me going.

When I was a teenager, I did a lot of pull-ups and push-ups. Every night before bed, I'd do 150 - in sets of 30 or so. Looking back on it now, I'm not totally sure that's the best way to improve as a climber. But it did make me a lot better at doing pull-ups and push-ups.

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