If I'm going to appear in front of people I like to look my best.

If you look at the content of songs people write, it's usually about the things they know best.

People look the best when they feel the most comfortable, so I buy 10 of the same thing if I really like it.

If you want to explore things you haven't explored, having people who look just like you and think just like you is not the best way.

Sometimes, when you go to airport and look at the people, you see the worst looks - but the worst looks can give you more ideas than the best looks.

You just want so badly to be the best version of what people are saying, you want to look like the covers you're on, but it's hard to do that everyday.

I understand why people could look at things that Donald Trump says and be deeply offended by them and feel that he is not looking out for their best interests.

Hats are attached to special moments in people's lives - weddings, or the races. In difficult times, people still get married; they still want to look their best.

A map of Trump country would look a lot like a map of the various regions and counties from which young people with the best opportunities have consistently chosen to flee.

You can exaggerate with puppets. You're not trying to look like real people. The way the Muppets are designed is really appealing. Puppets are best if they're exaggerated creatures.

For one thing, vegetarians are, on average, fitter and trimmer than meat-eaters are, so the best thing that young people who want to look their best can do is to keep meat off their plates.

Since, in the best Southern tradition, I was named Edmund Valentine White III, sometimes when people look up my books on Amazon they find 'Chocolate Drops from the South' by my grandfather.

If you look at the very best presidents, the most effective presidents, they were always decent salespeople. Ronald Reagan was an extremely effective salesman, very tuned to the people he was selling to, very clear in what he was selling, very resilient and buoyant.

Look at the product pipeline, look at the fantastic financial results we've had for the last five years. You only get that kind of performance on the innovation side, on the financial side, if you're really listening and reacting to the best ideas of the people we have.

I've played under some of the biggest and best managers and achieved almost everything in football. Of course it hurts when people question it, but I've come to the end of my career and can look back and say I've achieved everything with every club that I've played for.

Vanity is not having facelifts if you're ugly. Those people who say: 'Oh, I'd never dream of having anything done!' That's rude. It's rude, to other people, to not try and look your best; to not try and stir things up, to not reinvent... or just invent... it's one's duty to not get stuffy.

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