My best friend is me, and I take good care of me.

If I'm not the best D-lineman, it's not good enough for me.

The best part is still ahead of me - I haven't experienced my 'good old days' yet.

It is good to be a striker for the Dutch team; the way the Oranje play suits me best.

Shaun Pollock is actually the best role model for me as a very good attritional bowler.

Good scripts that are offered to me are few and far between, so I pick the best that I get.

I got a good handshake. A lot of executives tell me I have the best handshake in Hollywood.

To me, the best of 'Jack' is when we have a very good, but small idea, executed to the nines.

It's much funnier when the comedy can happen with me just trying my best to genuinely do a good thing.

That is the best case for Bush; that, among other things, he liberated Iraq. It is good enough for me.

I was the best basketball player, the only thing good in my hometown so everybody did everything for me.

My parents always taught me not to be a good tennis player or the best in what I'm doing, but to be polite.

For me, my aim is to just be as good as possible. If people do look up to me, I have to set the best example I can.

I went to school with my good friend and he used to make fun of me when I rapped, but in Sweden, I was the best rapper.

Give me good digestion, Lord, And also something to digest; but where and how that something comes I leave to Thee, who knoweth best.

I think my best songs come from me sitting at a piano, bashing my head against a brick wall for hours and hours on end to get one good melody.

Badminton is not only about winning. What is important to me is about playing hard, doing my best and putting up a good show for the spectators.

I'm not very good at knowing what people want. I don't have that talent. The best I can do is make films that resonate with me and see what happens.

I've gotten my butt kicked by the best. Jet Li beat me up the best, but Steven Segal can still kick a good butt. It's a different kind of kicking, though.

PGA of America has been very good to me; played some of the Junior Ryder Cups, and those go down as some of the best experiences I've had on a golf course.

I realized that acting was the thing I was still maybe the best at. Of the things I felt like I was good at, that was the thing that came the most naturally to me.

I always feel like I wasn't the best trainer, because I'm really good at teaching people stuff, but I'm not good if people aren't super psyched - if they're not like me.

That's been my challenge. Go out there and guard the best player and get it done on both ends. It's been working out pretty good for me. Just got to keep that thing going.

When I'm good at something, I always try to be the best at it and claim that throne. Even in school, I never let anyone say anything to me; I would always be the smartest.

A fellowship to Oxford acquainted me with the depths of English cooking. By the twenty-first century, London's best restaurants are as good as Paris's, but not in the 1950s.

For me, seed investing isn't just a good return area but a big part of how we network in Silicon Valley. A lot of our best deals have come from being active in the seed stage.

I was going to a good club in Newcastle and working with an unbelievable manager in Bobby Robson. It was the best for Leeds, and in the end, it worked out well for me as well.

My heritage is really important to me. I've always had that olive complexion and the squished nose, and I just think it's important to do the best I can to be a good role model.

Every rookie that thought they was good, I went at them to make sure they knew I was the best point guard in the league, and they had to go through me. That's just the way I was.

I think it's very hard to find a good friend. That's why I'm so lucky to have two sisters, because they're my best friends, and they have to be with me forever. They're stuck with me.

For me, it has an extra value to be able to beat the Williams sisters in the finals, because they are just so good. For me, it's proof of being literally the best player in the tournament.

A book comes and says, 'Write me.' My job is to try to serve it to the best of my ability, which is never good enough, but all I can do is listen to it, do what it tells me and collaborate.

For me, it was a dream to play in the Premier League. I always wanted to be here because this league is very good, it has very good teams, and Manchester United is the best team in England.

Like a plant that starts up in showers and sunshine and does not know which has best helped it to grow, it is difficult to say whether the hard things or the pleasant things did me the most good.

I did my best to hide by changing my name many times. But I was captured by the Chinese police. But because my Chinese was so good, they thought I was Chinese and released me. That was a miracle.

It's been important to me to be a good activist, a good thinker, a good musician, a good singer, and a good entertainer. You can't do it all, but I have walked those delicate lines as best I know how.

I've had to deal with everything but everyone has helped me, including Sir Alex Ferguson, to get through. George Best was a good friend of mine. We loved each other, we both knew where we were coming from.

Bayley helped me a lot in my career, especially in NXT. I had some of my best NXT matches with her, and she definitely helped me develop as a talent, because you're just as good as the person you're in there with.

Bobby Heenan to me, he was the best. Of all the guys that have been managers that can pick up a microphone and talk, he was a natural and so good. His character like mine was so hated, it was like a little weasel.

Surely, the best and most effective measure is to get the economy moving and shorten the period of recession or slowdown. That's the rationale for Gordon Brown's 'fiscal stimulus' and it sounds like a good one to me.

It has taken me so long to understand my skin, but the formula that works best for me is, gentle and less is more. But I do cleanse my skin well at night with a good natural cleanser by Dr. Hauschka or Avalon Organics.

To me, the best projects are the ones where you have a pretty good idea of what the spine of it's gonna be, but then all sorts of things happen that you could've never predicted, and those are the magic moments of the films.

I got a journalism degree. I started doing journalism - I interned at 'Cosmopolitan' magazine in the 1970s, which probably wasn't the best place for me, and I spent six or nine months freelancing. Anyway, I wasn't that good at it.

When I did 'Immunity,' even though I did a film score at the beginning and also at the end, I was left uninterrupted during the middle bit. I got a good year of just writing and focusing. That, to me, is when I make the best stuff.

I observe a lot, and I try to pick out what looks good on me. I like to keep it basic and simple. Never too flashy. Remember, whatever suits you is the best, and it doesn't necessarily have to be the trend or the rave of the season.

Do I watch dancers as people? Yes, absolutely. Do I watch really good dancers for specifically who they are? Absolutely, because how they move best and how they look best is going to be most familiar to them, and not necessarily to me.

If the goal is to be believable when you're acting, I've got the best idea of what that believability might look and feel like. And because you need a normal guy in a comedy so that the eccentricities can pop, that's a good part for me.

I have nothing to complain about, but it was new for me to figure out how to balance being the best at my job, and also as a woman, to be a good friend, girlfriend, daughter, and all of the things away from my job that are important to me.

The best thing I could do is build a successful company and continue to innovate and be in the right role I want to be in. If I'm not doing that, I'm inauthentic. That's not a good role model to anyone. That, to me, is the most important thing.

The contracts are structured different than athletes in America, but for me, it was good to move on and go back to playing in the premiere league, which is the best league. It was disappointing, as far as the team goes, but for me, there wasn't much I could do.

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