It's always best if you can leave with a good memory.

I've always been a good person, but I wanna be, like, the best person.

It's always good to play tennis with a better player to bring out the best in you.

There's a handful of exceptionally good companies, but there's always one company that's the best.

It is always the best policy to speak the truth, unless, of course, you are an exceptionally good liar.

Nations have always good reasons for being what they are, and the best of all is that they cannot be otherwise.

Sometimes people just want you to fail. Except your really good friends. I've always known who my best friends were.

My approach to running for office has always been driven by where can I do the most good and where are my skills best applied.

Kindliness and sympathy, fellowship and understanding, are always good, but best when they come from a distant corner of the world.

Competition is always a good thing. It forces us to do our best. A monopoly renders people complacent and satisfied with mediocrity.

A good band is like a team. You want to have the right balance. It's not always the best people you need, but the right ones for the job.

Music's always been really cathartic. It's the best drug for me to get away from the everyday pressures just for a second via a good song.

My parents divorced when I was 18 months old. They haven't always been the best of friends, but they were good at keeping that stuff away from me.

If you're playing against someone, you always want them playing flat out and at their best - so when you are successful you know you've produced a really good performance.

When I'm good at something, I always try to be the best at it and claim that throne. Even in school, I never let anyone say anything to me; I would always be the smartest.

When you look good, you feel good. Confidence with what you're wearing is very important. If you feel good, you will always perform your best without worrying about anything.

We always try give the best of us in training to go in the cage and have a good performance, thus giving millions for the company. We also want to have part of these millions.

I feel like it's always a good sign when you find yourself talking for hours about every topic ever. It's best when you just find the person interesting for no apparent reason.

My heritage is really important to me. I've always had that olive complexion and the squished nose, and I just think it's important to do the best I can to be a good role model.

The best part of touring is playing the shows. I mean, that is the point of touring, at least for me. I have been blessed in that I've always gotten to play with other good musicians.

Even with - the best make-up in the world won't look good if you don't cleanse and exfoliate and have a good basic regime. This is why one of my goals has always been to create a skincare line.

I think our culture encourages all of us to always put our best foot forward. I think it's a good thing. I think it's nice to rise to the occasion, to be kind and considerate, and have self control.

I was never the most technical; I was never the best at one aspect at this sport, but what I was always good as was negating people's strengths and putting them in terrible situations where they're uncomfortable.

When I was a kid, we didn't eat in restaurants much, but a good report card meant my sister or I could choose anyplace in town for a dinner out, and I always picked Benny's, a dive bar near the train station, because they had the best nachos around.

I heard people saying how, in a Rajkummar Rao film, people only watch him in the frame, and he could overshadow others. But I must say, he is such a good co-actor who always lets you act your best, because acting also has a lot depending on reacting.

I've always been clear - I feel good at Chelsea. Every week, I repeat the same on PSG. It's a big team but an inferior league. I don't want to return to France, because I've won everything over there - the league title, cup, best player, best young player.

I always tell Asian actors, especially Filipinos wanting to break into Hollywood, to study, study and study and show their best. I haven't stopped studying. There's an abundance of roles, and all you have to do is prove to them that you are good for the role.

I went into NXT with no expectations. That's what I was told when I was hired - have no expectations, just do the best I could - and that's always what I've done for the last fifteen years. That's what I did, and you know, it's obviously working out pretty good.

Write down everything you can think of, no matter how stupid it seems. I always write down my thoughts throughout the day. Sometimes good things come out of it, and I'll find an idea to develop into a song, so my best advice is to try and draw inspiration from everyday things.

When Washington State has been good, they've always had a connection to Southern California. You know, as far as visiting, that's different than recruiting. Recruiting is based on production and players, who you can get. You know, so, the nicest parts of Southern California aren't necessarily the best players.

I always wanted to play for AC Milan or Real Madrid. Real Madrid, of course, because when I was young, the players that played there were the top players. I was looking at Real Madrid as the best of the best. And AC Milan, they also had good players when I was young, so I looked at AC Milan the same way as Real Madrid.

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