For me, happy footballers play the best football.

The best thing about college football, to me: You can tell when you're on campus.

I think Wolves are getting the best out of me, and I'm giving Wolves my best football, but they are giving the best to me too.

There is still a lot of football in me and I enjoy watching the players go out there and be the best players they can possibly be.

So much in football is touching, feeling, walking through, writing it on boards, drawing Xs and Os. And all those are the best for me.

Football is about having the best offensive play possible. I always like to play offensive football, and nobody will convince me otherwise.

My dream was to play football for the Oakland Raiders. But my mother thought I would get hurt playing football, so she chose baseball for me. I guess moms do know best.

Hmm, the best thing about being in the NFL? In America it's the No.1 sport; it's exciting, fun, so to me the best thing is the buzz that surrounds football on and off the field.

There is only one thing I want to do here, and that is play football to the best of my ability. If I let things start distracting me, I'm not going to be able to do that, which will jeopardise the team as well.

I come to Fulham on loan, they haven't paid anything for me. I'm just here to play football and they see that I want to give everything. I get the feeling that they give me something so that I can be at my best.

If you ask me how did I do at United, I will say it was my best year ever, given the circumstances I was working under. We played football that was quite alright. But it's not football that is appreciated in England.

I'm really looking forward to the Hall of Fame ceremonies. It's going to be unbelievable - just crazy. I'm looking forward to thanking all the fans for inspiring me to go out there and play my best football each and every game.

That's where I spent the biggest chunk of my career, having been at Juventus for ten years. That was the best thing that happened to me because it was where I got to know real football, at an ambitious club with ambitious players.

The reason I went to an all-boys Catholic school was because they had the best football team. We won the state championship my junior year. It was super-competitive. We lost in the semifinals my senior year, and it still haunts me.

You can't live on last year, you can't live on the year before. I can't bring in my 13 Pro Bowls in the locker room and say, look at me. No. That is gone. That is the best thing about the game of football is that everybody starts over.

For me, I want to put football in the best possible way: where the girls play professionally, get the sponsorships they deserve, and set themselves up after football so that they're not struggling and asking themselves what they're going to do.

I've played football with George Best, the greatest footballer that ever lived. That doesn't make me a footballer. And I've sung a duet with Pavarotti. That doesn't make me an opera singer. I can write and I have a story to tell, but I'm not going to make a career out of it.

Most people would say safety was my best position. To me, the biggest challenge and most gratifying thing I got out of playing football was playing corner, because it was a bigger challenge than playing safety. Playing corner provided me my biggest thrills and my biggest headaches.

I'm at my best when people are depending on me. If it's just on me and I don't have nothing to do, I'm going to be lazy. On the football field, it's every single day, every play, knowing that people are depending on me to make my play. That helps me elevate my game to another level.

In Brazil, the one who wears 10 constructs the attacks. That is what I will try to do here. The number I have at Liverpool does not give me any added pressure. The pressure I have is to play well and do my best for the team. I know that I am representing a huge club, and I want to enjoy my football.

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