I won the family lottery. I come from the best family in the world.

I have the best roommates in the world! It creates a fun sense of family... and that's really important to me. Things can get so lonely without it.

I've got a pretty close bond with everyone in my family. I've got a brother and a sister whom I'm very close to, and my parents have always been the world's best parents.

People sort of take it for granted, but the more you see of the media world the more you appreciate a paper like the Times where its family continues to invest in editorial quality and I think it's the truly is the best paper in the world.

I would say that the best compliment I have gotten is from teachers who say they can tell that my kids come from a big family because they can see that they anticipate other people's needs and they don't think the world revolves around them.

I grew up in a very loving but very broken family, and I suppose that's why I'm drawn to telling stories about well-intentioned people who are doing their best - but are not always successful - in figuring out how to maneuver through this complicated, bumpy and broken world.

They're my best friends. We think of Gigi as the brains in the family - something most of the world doesn't know - and my favorite thing about Bella is that she's a free spirit who never lets anyone set limits for her. They can be really protective, but they've taught me not to let other people define what I'm capable of.

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