I was a bit nervous before I got married and Ant said to me: 'Honestly, it just gets better.' It's amazing and the best thing I ever did.

Working with some of the best makeup artists has taught me a lot of amazing tricks to making me feel more confident, and I can't wait to share them with you guys.

For me, I think the best part of all and the most fun was just being a part of such an amazing movie and such an amazing show because 'Into The Woods' is just so incredible.

He was an amazing - John McTiernan really was an incredible director, probably the best I've worked with because he constantly busted me when he wasn't getting what he wanted.

I like making pies. I have a bunch of fruit trees in my backyard. My loquat tree sprouted, and I like making loquat pie. They're really hard to peel and everything, and it took me forever, but they make the best pies. They're amazing.

I played rugby for years, and I had a rugby jacket that I lost when I was 14. Somehow, my brother found it in storage 15 years later, and he gave it back to me for my 30th birthday. That was amazing and probably one of the best gifts I've ever received.

I got my service dog when I was medically retired out of the military, and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I wish every medically retired serviceman could have a service dog. He's amazing. He's my best bud. I go everywhere and anywhere with him.

From Under 15s to Under 19s, I was concentrating playing for England, it was close to me, I could just go to St George's Park, it was nice. Going back to school when you've just played for England, it was amazing, you're one of the best players in the country, that's why you're getting picked.

I failed to get into drama school, and my best friend told me I should do stand-up instead. I was always doing gags and voices, so he booked a gig for me without telling me. I only had four days to write it. I did a seven-minute set; the first four minutes were terrible, but the last two were amazing.

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