I don't believe in censorship in any form.

Believe me, Germany is unable to wage war.

A hungry dog believes in nothing but meat.

Hard work isn't enough. You got to believe

I believe the human spirit is indomitable.

O King, believe not this hard-hearted man!

I do believe in God. That's why I'm alive.

The idea of molding men means a lot to me.

I believe in luck. My luck's real streaky.

The only person I really believe in is me.

Nobody really believes in equality anyway.

Never give up on something you believe in.

I believe in analysis and not forecasting.

It is love that believes the resurrection.

I do not believe abortion should be legal.

I really believe in the characters I play.

You have to believe in yourself every day.

This I believe: I believe there is no God.

Speak up. Believe in yourself. Take risks.

I believe in magic, psychics and all that.

For they can conquer who believe they can.

Observe your thoughts, don't believe them.

We like to believe our fashion is growing.

Evil is that which one believes of others.

Believing in gods always causes confusion.

I believe firmly in God's control in life.

I believe that I have such a vanilla life.

I believe in the compelling power of love.

I do not believe in the beauty of falling.

Many confuse understanding with believing.

Men never believe a woman can do anything.

Believe that you have it, and you have it.

I believe that I'm going to have a Grammy.

What the eyes see, the heart must believe.

I would rather be fooled than not believe.

I don't believe in taking right decisions.

I see, I know, I believe, I am undeceived.

Scientist believe in things, not in person

I'm a nut case, but that is what I believe.

I believe education is the great equalizer.

I believe the Universe is planned for good.

I believe God will fight my battles for me.

We are bound by our limitations to believe.

Faith is power to believe and power to see.

I believe in giving people a second chance.

I believe that perfection handicaps cinema.

If you don't live it, you don't believe it.

I'd rather die believing than live doubting

You can do amazing things when you believe.

I do believe that we're all God's children.

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