Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?

I definitely believe if you give me any part of your chin, you are going to sleep.

If I can convince you that I'm going to beat you up, and you believe me, that's your fault.

I believe in a kind of fidelity to your own early ideas; it's a kind of antagonism in me to prevailing fads.

If, like me, you believe that your taxes should be spent on your priorities in this country by politicians accountable to you then you should vote to leave the E.U.

Believe me, there's nothing worse than the feeling in the pit of your stomach when you're sat in the back of a taxi, listening to someone else doing your show as you dash to the studio.

I believe in, 'I do it my way, and you do it your way, and then see what works' pattern. I think that comes with me having worked as an assistant director earlier, which I really enjoyed.

I tend to wear my emotions on my sleeve. I've had my share of mood swings, believe me. But it's a powerful thing when you realize that you have dominion over your behavior and your passions.

Believe me, the next step is a currency crisis because there will be a rejection of the dollar, the rejection of the dollar is a big, big event, and then your personal liberties are going to be severely threatened.

When you have someone that manages, coaches you, and you follow, and you believe, and you do everything that you can because you believe in that idea in your leader, that stays forever. That is the impact Jose Mourinho had on me.

If you want to lose weight, you have to be obsessed with it. You can't depend upon your dietician, your trainer or various health aids that you have. You have to be organised. And believe me, it isn't that difficult. The first 10 days are terrible because you have to break the lifelong habits that you have made.

Motherhood has completely changed me. It's just about like the most completely humbling experience that I've ever had. I think that it puts you in your place because it really forces you to address the issues that you claim to believe in and if you can't stand up to those principles when you're raising a child, forget it.

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