I don't give in and I don't believe in giving up. This comes naturally to me, I know no other way.

I'm not an atheist. How can you not believe in something that doesn't exist? That's way too convoluted for me.

I believe in collaboration. I think that is the most entertaining and effective way to write for me, personally.

Believe me, I bash liberals for being mean-spirited and angry, but there are plenty on my side who are the same way.

I believe every photographer is influenced by their sexual preference in a greater or lesser way, and it certainly has affected me.

I don't believe in honors - it bothers me. Honors bother: honors is epaulettes; honors is uniforms. My papa brought me up this way.

'Pay it forward' has become a hackneyed concept, but I truly believe in it, and it gives me huge satisfaction to be able to help writers in a measurable way.

This is a physical thing that is fixable. I know, I'm a survivor. Believe me, there was no way I thought I could survive. There are answers out there that need to be found.

There were times when I was tempted to do wrong, and could have went that way. But I knew it wasn't for me. I was told enough times that it catches up with you, and I believe it.

I believe in, 'I do it my way, and you do it your way, and then see what works' pattern. I think that comes with me having worked as an assistant director earlier, which I really enjoyed.

That goes against what I believe morally. That's adultery, and if I'm accused of that, no, that's not right. I have two kids who see that and remember that and judge me. It didn't happen, and it's not to be reported that way.

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