I believe that anything in this world is fair game for a creative exercise.

Tommy Tiernan is an Irish comic who I believe is one of the finest in the world.

I believe deeply in therapy. There's no one in the world who wouldn't benefit from it.

I believe a child's most important job is to explore the world around them through play.

I believe Android will be stronger in the developing world than it is in the developed world.

I believe in living for this world - that's my doctrine - to make everybody happy that you can.

Jon Jones is awesome and won his first world title at 23 and 8 months. I believe I can do it before then.

Feminism is a lens I see the world through and what I believe in. I don't ever use it as a tool of promotion.

I believe the divine is part of the world, not in a pantheistic way but by way of the movement of the Spirit.

I'm in favour of a multi-polar world. I believe that every country has the right to defend its own interests.

In 1982, Algeria made their first appearance at the World Cup. I believe it was the first Arab country to do so.

I believe in luck and fate and I believe in karma, that the energy you put out in the world comes back to meet you.

I believe our biggest issue is the same biggest issue that the whole world is facing, and that's habitat destruction.

Bali is one of my favorite places in the world. In one of my past lives, I believe I was living on the island of Bali.

If the people of New Zealand want to be part of our world, I believe they should hop off their islands, and push 'em closer.

I'm fighting for the Commonwealth title on Saturday and I believe I'll be ready for a world title shot in the next 18 months.

I believe if we only are talking to people who agree with us, we are failing in some way to understand our world and our country.

People think I'm a freemason, and I'm not. People think I believe the end of the world is coming on 21 December 2012, and I don't.

I believe that if we want our children to understand the world beyond their classroom, we must bring the world into their classroom.

David Tua was an elite and world class heavyweight, I believe David Tua would have knocked Joseph Parker out in a handful of rounds.

I believe the world has shifted from asked 'if' digital currencies will succeed to 'how and when' digital currencies will become mainstream.

I believe that cinema died on the 31 September 1983 when the zapper, or the remote control, was introduced into the living rooms of the world.

To connect with the characters, you need to connect with the world. If the world feels vaguely familiar, I believe the characters will feel relatable.

I believe in an evolving Constitution. A flexible Constitution leaves room for us to consider not merely how the world once was, but how it ought to be.

I believe that we haven't begun to understand the many forces that bind the physical world, any more than we understand our own minds and what they're capable of.

I believe I'm destined to be a world champion and I'm getting closer to what I want. Part of it is developing a championship mentality and I feel I have that now.

I believe there is no other way to create decent livelihoods for the world's poorest people than to connect them to global markets as producers, and on fair terms.

Watching the economies in various parts of the world, I believe that there is scope for improvement everywhere. There is some corruption and inefficiency everywhere.

I believe the conservatives need to push back against the ungrateful habit of blaming the West by pointing repeatedly to the self-inflicted wounds of the Third World.

I believe that if America does not lead, others will - others who do not share our interests and our values - and the world will grow darker, for our friends and for us.

For me, I believe George Foreman was a bad example because when he became world heavyweight champion again at 42, that made a lot of fighters think they could also carry on.

I believe there is a spirit within us, which we nurture based upon our efforts and what we bring to the world. But it doesn't come from the outside; it comes from the inside.

I believe that this cooperation between Nokia and Konami will form the perfect match to share the vast potential of mobile entertainment content with users all around the world.

I believe that Detroit has a terrific geographic position. It still is a hub of one of the most important industries in the world. There's incredible engineering and other talent.

I believe things happen that can't be explained, but so many people seem intent on explaining them. Everyone has an answer for them. Either aliens or things from the spirit world.

I believe we are in a world where innovation in stuff was outlawed. It was basically outlawed in the last 40 years - part of it was environmentalism, part of it was risk aversion.

I believe that worrying about the problems plaguing our planet without taking steps to confront them is absolutely irrelevant. The only thing that changes this world is taking action.

I believe the world is increasingly in danger of becoming split into groups which cannot communicate with each other, which no longer think of each other as members of the same species.

I believe that every person, male and female, needs to be in a protective mode at all times of alertness to potential danger. The world is full of potential attacks, potential disasters.

I believe the world economy will crash when Russia or China moves to a gold-backed currency. They know that when this thing blows, the old law returns: he with most gold makes the rules.

I believe Facebook is going all the way. They're going to reach a billion members and will be the biggest company in the world. It will be a platform everyone goes on the Internet through.

The Arab world also won the Nobel with me. I believe that international doors have opened, and that from now on, literate people will consider Arab literature also. We deserve that recognition.

As retail goes through a fundamental shift into the digital world, I believe Ocado's model and the high standards of customer service it provides will see it emerge as a powerful online player.

I really can't abide conspiracy theories, because I believe that everything in the world stems from idiocy and incompetence. That's certainly true of most of what's happened in Russia under Putin.

I believe in it so passionately because anywhere you look in the world, where governments become too big or become authoritarian, speech and expression is one of the first fundamental freedoms to go.

As you know, the United States has been a net debtor to the world each year since 1976, I believe. We've put a huge amount of dollars out into the world and those dollars have to be recycled in some way.

I believe we are going to move into a situation where the more effective conferences will be smaller, more specialized, more focused, with occasional large gatherings to get the attention of the larger world.

I believe the most solemn duty of the American president is to protect the American people. If America shows uncertainty and weakness in this decade, the world will drift toward tragedy. This will not happen on my watch.

I reject the notion that America is in a well-deserved decline, that she and her citizens are unexceptional. I do not believe America is the problem in the world. I believe America is the solution to the world's problems.

Donald Trump represents a threat both to the party and to the country. I believe he makes the world far more dangerous, I believe he puts America's economy in jeopardy. And his temperament is totally unsuited for the presidency.

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