I believe Theresa May has failed as leader of our party, which she threatens to destroy.

I believe that my choosing my present course I do no dishonor to them, or to those who may come after me.

This may sound trite, but I believe it to be true: Entrepreneurship is the fabric of what America is all about.

We may not be proud of every song we've ever done - or been forced to do - but I believe we've done more than meets the eye.

If it's true, as I believe it is, that the planet is alive, then it's probably also true that we may reach a point at which she will begin to defend herself against us.

I believe people from the film industry, musicians, dancers, artists and writers are all internally connected. The form of expression externally may vary, but we are connected internally.

I believe in literature which ties people together, that highlights what people have in common, despite the differences - color, sexual orientation, or anything which may separate us on the surface.

Any adaptation is a translation, and there is such a thing as an unreadably faithful translation; and I believe a degree of reinterpretation for the new language may be not only inevitable but desirable.

As a person, I have never been discourteous or nasty to anybody. I may have stood my ground a bit too directly, a bit too firmly, and I believe I have, over a number of years, learned to be a little less direct.

Well, no. I believe that it's not at all impossible that some of the performances that I've heard so far by some pianists may be superior to my own playing because those are two totally different acts altogether.

I believed or thought I was disoriented and the victim of a bizarre dream and I believe I paced in and out of the room and possibly into one of the other rooms. I may have re-examined her, finally believing that this was true.

I believe, certainly in the NHL, a player who can help a team win because he can contribute on the ice is going to be coveted whatever his beliefs may be or whoever he may be. That goes to national origin, religious beliefs, or sexuality.

A President can obstruct justice and Congress has the full right to hold a President accountable for such law-breaking through impeachment. After a President leaves office, I believe they may be held accountable through the courts as well.

As big as my ego may be, I'm really not of the belief that I can't be replaced. I didn't invent the wheel. There's someone else out there who can do what I do, maybe a little differently. I believe that Kiss is bigger than its individual members.

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