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Faith is belief without proof. Faith is fine, but don't call it science.
What is belief - what is faith - if you don't continue it after failure?
I believe a man is better anchored who has a belief in the Supreme Being.
In the end, we love people into belief. We do not argue them into belief.
The most likely site for error is in the most fundamental of our beliefs.
I am much more radical in my beliefs than my products represent me to be.
A fanatical belief in democracy makes democratic institutions impossible.
Belief is nearly the whole of the universe whether based on truth or not.
The biggest barrier to awakening is the belief that it is something rare.
My belief is that PowerPoint doesn't kill meetings. People kill meetings.
To know things as they are is better than to believe things as they seem.
We can believe as we want, but we should not force our beliefs on others.
The refusal to choose is a form of choice; disbelief is a form of belief.
Knowledge of divine things for the most part is lost to us by incredulity.
Belief and order give strength. Have to clear rubble before you can build.
I believe long habits of virtue have a sensible effect on the countenance.
I live my life on self-belief and I live it partly on going with the flow.
My belief system is that you laugh at racism, and that's how it goes away.
Beliefs: Those things we hold to be true despite evidence to the contrary.
Anti-clericalism and non-belief, have their bigots just as orthodoxy does.
We judge others by their actions but we judge ourselves by our intensions.
Too many religious organizations are in the business of enforcing beliefs.
Our belief or disbelief of a thing does not alter the nature of the thing.
The most important is to keep faith, to keep belief and be ready to fight.
Superstition is only the fear of belief, while religion is the confidence.
Be willing to die for your beliefs, or computer printouts of your beliefs.
Contrary to popular belief, editors and agents are gagging for good books.
I hope I would not be so arrogant as to doubt anyone's religion or belief.
For most folks, no news is good news; for the press, good news is not news.
I always had a belief in myself, and I started wondering if it was founded.
Philosophy's power to blunt all the blows of circumstance is beyond belief.
You always really have to remain consistent in your beliefs and philosophy.
A person who knows who they are is not threatened by the beliefs of others.
Belief is a form of infantilism. There is no ground for believing anything.
Opportunity is all around us, but we have beliefs and habits that block it.
I think most religious belief structures are essentially like mind viruses.
A man who can't uphold his beliefs is pathetic dead or alive - Hajime Saito
Freedom of belief is pernicious, it is nothing but the freedom to be wrong.
Rational beliefs bring us closer to getting good results in the real world.
This country has been unconscious, and it's got to awake. That's my belief.
The way to belief is short and easy, the way to knowledge is long and hard.
I have a great belief in not doing anything unless I'm passionate about it.
Belief systems provide a programme which relieves the necessity of thought.
The sixties were characterized by a heady belief in instantaneous solutions.
Those who are religious or who have any beliefs have so much to choose from.
You can't have a belief system on Sunday and not live it the other six days.
Your belief that you can do the thing gives your thought forces their power.
Religion is the belief in future life and in God. I don't believe in either.