Never set out to be the best. It's too low a standard. Set out to be good. Do Your best.

Beauty being the best of all we know sums up the unsearchable and secret aims of nature.


How can the Replacements be the best band of the 80s when I've never even heard of them?

When you can't afford to hire the best, you hire the young who are going to be the best.

I want to be the best I can be no matter what the circumstances. That’s how I was raised.

I'll probably never be the best actor in Hollywood, but I hope to be the hardest working.

I'm just a regular mother who's trying to save lives and be the best human being I can be.

Success comes when you do what you love to do, and commit to being the best in your field.

Since day one, since the first time I touched the pen, I wanted to be the best at what I do.

The reason behind Hrithik being the best dancer is that he never takes his work for granted.

I wanna be the best at what I do. I wanna sing, I wanna dance, I wanna act. That's about it.

I wasn't fighting in this sport from the beginning for any other reason than being the best.

Aphrodite strikes again, huh? You're gonna be the best-dressed warrior in town, beauty queen.

I'm going to go out and be the best quarterback I can be and get the most out of my potential.

My father-he pretty much taught me everything I know. He still pushes me to be the best I can.

I'm their sole parent, and there is nothing more important than being the best father I can be.

I think that's quite a good message, it's not about being the best, it's about doing your best.

My will is to always be better and better and better. I've got the will to want to be the best.

If your expectations aren't to be the best, then... you know, nobody rises to low expectations.

I think the best partner for you is someone who makes you want to be the best form of yourself.

Whatever your walk in life is, you pick what you want to be, then go ahead and be the best one.

We have to consider who is going to be the best prime minister to take on a "one nation" agenda.

There is no reason not to be motivated. You cannot always be the best. But you can do your best.

I don't like the word 'businesswoman.' Perhaps 'committed mother' would be the best description.

Being the best is:applying yourself to your potential, putting out the best version of yourself.

I can never let the guy across from me be in better shape. I have to be the best-conditioned guy.

I challenge you to be the best you can be! I challenge you to behave in ways you've never behaved.

You work your whole life to try to be the best you can, even if it's for only one day or one week.

There's no way you can imagine going from kids in high school to being the best band in the world.

Federer can be the best ever; he has the potential. The only question is whether he has the desire

I would be happy at a piano bar, singing. I just want to home in on being the best singer I can be.

Don't set your goals to be a star. Set your goals to be the best that you can be and go from there.

That thing you had to force yourself to do-the actual act of writing-turns out to be the best part.

I'm just thinking about being the best I can be for the team first because that's what comes first.

It is not always possible to be the best, but it is always possible to improve your own performance.

I could be the best looking guy in the Duma, but that's only because all the other guys are over 60.

Talent is a universal gift, but it takes a lot of courage to use it. Don't be afraid to be the best.

I think the best partner you can have is someone who makes you want to be the best form of yourself.

I think the biggest thing with me is that I just pride myself on being the best human being I can be.

You'll learn, honey. Love can be the best thing in life. And it can be the worst. The absolute worst.

I am neither frustrated nor planning anything other than being the best Secretary of State I could be.

The problem is the people who tend to be the best organized are the most radical and the most vicious.

I am heartbroken, but I have been heartbroken before, and this might be the best for which I can hope.

When I was a waiter, I wanted to be the best waiter I could be and worked to be better at it every day.

Pushing yourself to be the best is unsustainable. Simply push yourself to be better than the day before.

I hated missing the end of anything. I was always convinced that the bit I'd miss would be the best part.

Let us not try to be the best or worst of others, but let us make the effort to be the best of ourselves.

I want to be the best, and the best work. You have to earn what you get, and you have to work to keep it.

I'm not afraid of working hard at anything, whatever it is. I just always want to be the best that I can.

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