Men tend to be selfish.

You shouldn't punish others for your own choices.

Being stubborn has helped, being selfish is not a bad thing.

That's okay. You an be selfish with me all you want. I'm yours.

People think if you look after yourself you're being selfish, you know.

You can't be faulted for being selfish if you're going to get better because of it.

My son's the most precious thing to me; he's changed me from being selfish to selfless.

Marriage is a mystery, and part of it is just being kind to each other, not being selfish.

You have this one life. If you keep being selfish and unkind, it's going to come back to you.

There is a difference between being self-interested and being selfish. I will never be selfish.

Being selfish to me means that you have to look out for yourself and you don't have to sacrifice.

The only thing I think about is helping the team, respecting all my team-mates, not being selfish.

Every action that we take has some motivation of either being selfish or altruistic. All that adds up.

I am being selfish here by saying this, but I believe 'Barfi!' helped me the most. It got me recognition and respect.

You live this life being selfish, you're not going to enjoy it like you will when you open your heart and your home up.

It astounds us to come upon other egoists, as though we alone had the right to be selfish, and to be filled with eagerness to live.

The great thing coming from sports is you understand the concept of a team. It leaves no room for being selfish, and that's something I picked up from home.

When a father puts in long hours at work, he's praised for being dedicated and ambitious. But when a mother stays late at the office, she's sometimes accused of being selfish, neglecting her kids.

The sad thing is most people have to check with someone before they do the things that make them happy. We're all passing through; the least we can do is be happy, and the only way to do that is by being selfish.

In order to be able to give a girlfriend the amount of time she deserves, you would need time, and I just can't give her that. So, rather than being selfish or stupid enough to go into a relationship, it's just been easier to be single.

That's the trick of free market economic theory: it doesn't just ask you to only be selfish and not care about others. It tells you that by being selfish, you are helping others. And, in fact, by trying to directly help others, you will hurt them.

I want to show the world that you do have some artists that are ready to go to the next level, and instead of being selfish with their career they'll open up the door to other people. I'm in a position to open up the door to help other people do what I do.

I'm killing two birds at once, so to speak. Animal-based food kills people. This way, by going vegan... we get healthy and save animals. I'm being selfish, too, because if I can get my employees healthier, we cut down on sick days and gain more productivity.

A faithful woman can become a devoted daughter of God - more concerned with being righteous than with being selfish, more anxious to exercise compassion than to exercise dominion, more committed to integrity than to notoriety. And she knows of her own infinite worth.

I want to be an NBA all-star and help my team win. That's what it's all about, is winning. I'm a competitor... People said a lot about me being selfish and stuff like that. Getting into the league, I can't wait to shut that down. I'm a guy who wants to play and to win and love my teammates.

My mom can't defend herself to the world. She is such an amazing woman, with such an open heart. It's a real hard line, and I crossed it. I took everyone's life story and assumed it would be a great thing to put on screen. I was being selfish and I feel so horrible about it. I feel so guilty.

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