I shouldn't be married.

If Math was a woman, we'd be married already.

I don't want to be married just to be married.

To be married is to be neither alone nor together.

At least it's better to be married than to be dead.

It's probably hard to be married to me. It's not easy.

I like getting married, but I don't like being married.

Obviously, the ultimate dream is to be married for life.

This thing with being lovers, it isn't like being married.

I will do anything, Nerissa, ere I'll be married to a sponge.

Only someone who believes in marriage would be married five times.

Being married sucked. Maybe for some people it is not meant to be.

I like being married, but it was never something I felt I had to do.

You have to learn how to be married. You have to learn to love somebody.

It's hard to be married to me, and it was a lot harder when I was younger!

It's weird to have to jump in to being married with somebody, but it was really easy.

I get to be married to the liveliest mind I've ever encountered.... I hit the jackpot.

I've been married twice. Most women would rather not be married to a traveling blues singer

I wouldn't change being married. It was good for me, and I was happy for a period of time, and I learned a lot about myself.

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