I go where the good work is being done.

If sex is dignified it's not being done right.

Every man now worships gold, all other reverence being done away.

It's time for these people to have accountability for what is being done.

Kindness makes a fellow feel good whether it's being done to him or by him.

High school dropout rates nationally - Not enough is being done on this issue.

Wrongs done could not be righted, but at least they were not still being done.

Thus have I, Wall, my part discharged so; And, being done, thus Wall away doth go.

There are millions out there who aren't getting an even break. They're being done down.

We need society, and particularly the victims of crime, to believe justice is being done.

I can't be part of what is being done in films these days and hence I don't do films anymore.

There's a need to keep the history of an artform going, parallel with the new work that's being done.

Once again, I think there is little art being done that really owns up to such intense possibilities.

A picture is not thought out and settled beforehand. While it is being done it changes as one's thoughts change.

Since I was in my early twenties, at ABC, I was always only interested in things that were not already being done.

The majority of great work that's being done in the theater is happening Off Broadway, where you can't make a living.

The idea that anybody might be allowed to use their common sense when clearly no harm is being done is part of history now.

The fact that women are paid 73 cents on the dollar for work equivalent to work being done by men is unacceptable in America.

Well, there are better cartoonists now than there ever have been. I firmly believe that. There's some amazing work being done.

A performance art piece is unprecedented. It is difficult to censor since it has a good possibility of never being done before.

You can make great money in a utility type of business by borrowing cheaply and lending sensibly but that's not what's being done.

If you take a regular animated film, that's being done by animators on computers, so the filmmaking is a fairly technical process.

It seems that so much writing is being done in the nineteenth-century model, where every connection has to be thoroughly explained.

If somebody does something wrong to someone around me, I can be firm. But that's always to protect someone to whom wrong is being done to.

You can do so much crazy stuff with books that isn't necessarily being done. That's how culture stays alive - by doing new things with it.

Nothing is being done to stop the climate and ecological emergency from happening and to secure the future wellbeing for future generations.

Now everybody's got a video camera, so go make videos with your friends or see if you can get a part in a film school thing that's being done.

It's weird when you see pieces of choreography that were done for you 15 or 20 years ago and now they are being done by another dance company.

Journalists were at the forefront. From the Civil War until the early 1900s, nothing was being done to solve the problems of the Industrial Age.

I like television. I still believe that television is the most powerful form of communication on Earth - I just hate what is being done with it.

I'll just say that America - us included - has a long way to go to catch up with the animated work being done in a handful of countries, namely Japan.

The thing that we at MIT must understand is the amount of real damage that is being done to us in the fine structure of how research funds are expended.

Some of the most radical work is being done in the most commercially pop venues, and some of the most boring work is being done in avant-garde territory.

I'm going to continue to do the work we're doing on voter suppression, supporting the work that's being done by Fair Count, ensuring a fair Census count.

Soul music as we've always known it hasn't changed. There are different players now with different attitudes, but there is nothing new being done musically.

The real danger is not inaction. The real danger is when politicians and CEOs are making it look like action is happening when in fact nothing is being done.

People looked at my early pictures and called them the most disgusting things ever, and now 'Hairspray' is being done at every school in Britain and America.

We compare everything with what is being done in the West. Even the film reviews are written like that. It is sad because we are trying to belittle ourselves.

There are some times where being on the shows are great. Sometimes it's hard, when it's just like, 'the show must go on,' and there's a TV show that's being done.

Business in Russia was not being done like in the West, with contracts. In Russia, hundreds of millions of dollars were going forward and backward by word of mouth.

We're involved in a very large study that's federally funded and being done with Kaiser Permanente, and saliva is a very non-invasive way to get cells from the body.

A veteran deserves the very best health care anywhere. That means sometimes, they should go out into the private sector if something's being done better than the VA.

I'm a veteran. If I go into the V.A. hospital in Tennessee, I want to know that the procedures they're doing to me are being done properly. That is not unreasonable.

I think there's been a decline in the public's access to what's being done with their tax dollars, what's being done in their name. I hope that that will be repaired.

If you haven't forgiven someone, it does not hurt that person. They're sleeping at night. You're holding onto that, and all the damage is being done to you internally.

I used to rarely go on film sets, as I felt it was very boring to see the same shot being done so many times. I felt I had nothing to do. I used to irritate the cameramen.

When I first started writing, I did mostly short fiction, and I'd work on a short story and get near to being done and have no idea what I'd work on next, and then I'd panic.

It's not often a thriller keeps me wound up as well as 'Headhunters' did. I knew I was being manipulated and didn't care. It was a pleasure to see how well it was being done.

We have to scrutinize the entire abatement process to ensure the companies that are under consideration for an abatement truly need one, and I don't believe that is being done now.

But it's true, when you see some television, you carry it with you. It's like 90210. Tell me what young shows were being done then... We were thrilled about the ratings around the world.

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