I am not a human being, i am a human becoming.

One becomes a gardener by becoming a gardener.

Becoming a writer is about becoming conscious.

I want to be all that I am capable of becoming.

What you are thinking is what you are becoming.

Too many wish to be happy before becoming wise.

I'm becoming the Fuhrer - the Fuhrer of Laughs!

Success in life is becoming what you want to be.

Adelaide is becoming a hub for higher education.

In philosophy an individual is becoming himself.

Intensity is so much more becoming in the young.

I feel sexier than ever after becoming a mother.

Genius is becoming something you were all along.

God must become an activity in our consciousness.

Man is the universe becoming conscious of itself.

Family is becoming more and more important to me.

Becoming active is the key remedy for depression.

Fashion is becoming the same thing as our devices.

I'm looking forward to becoming older and quieter.

Life is about becoming more of who you really are.

For every minute, the future is becoming the past.

We make fun of those we're most scared of becoming.

I'm becoming too honest for my own good these days.

I have no intention of becoming a shorthand author.

All theological lore is becoming distasteful to me.

Some of us are becoming the men we wanted to marry.

Focus on who you are becoming not what you are doing

Skinheads are becoming part of our overall movement.

Life is becoming no more than staring at the screen.

Youth are becoming the site of society's nightmares.

The world's becoming a museum of socialist failures.

Rock music is becoming stale. Let's put the fun back.

Physics is becoming too difficult for the physicists.

I considered becoming a Christian... until I met one.

I was having serious issues with becoming a diabetic.

Becoming famous is a strange thing in your own right.

Nothing got inside the head without becoming pictures.

Life is not having and getting, but being and becoming

I studied with the idea of becoming a Catholic priest.

Becoming enlightened is not special, but it's unusual.

Who I've been is not as important as who I'm becoming.

Healthcare is becoming part of information technology.

Becoming is the mode of activity of the uncreate deity.

Stories last longer: but only by becoming only stories.

The most developed science remains a continual becoming

Becoming is the mode of activity of the uncreate deity.

Focus on becoming more to achieve more while doing less

I could imagine myself becoming one of Marla's stories.

Philosopher is becoming God in the process called life.

It is not becoming to grieve immoderately for the dead.

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