I gave life, and that is beautiful.

Don't waste your one beautiful life.

You have every right to a beautiful life.

It's a beautiful life, just as advertised.

You've got every right to a beautiful life

you have the right to live a beautiful life

I had a beautiful life as a basketball player.

I have had a very comfortable and beautiful life.

The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes.

Life aint always beautiful, but its a beautiful ride.

He was unheeded, happy, and near to the wild heart of life

It is never too late or too soon. It is when it is supposed to be.

It's not so bad to live out of a suitcase. It's a really beautiful life.

I cherish my every connection. I see the other in myself and myself in others.

To be free and to live a free life - that is the most beautiful thing there is.

To love abundantly is to live abundantly, and to love forever is to live forever.

I don't need fighting. It's the cherry on top to this beautiful life I've been given.

I want to have fun. It's a beautiful life. You learn, you win, you lose, but you get up.

I'm living my future as long as you're living in the present and realize how beautiful life is.

I think a life in music is a life beautifully spent, and this is what I have devoted my life to.

If you leave this world with a full heart, then that is a beautiful life. And that's what I want.

This is a beautiful life we lead in spite of whatever things come against us or whatever team loses or wins.

I wonder why it is we are not all kinder to each other ... How much the world needs it! How easily it is done!

Don't forget - no one else sees the world the way you do, so no one else can tell the stories that you have to tell.

If you had a person in your life treating you the way you treat yourself, you would have gotten rid of them a long time ago.

I like my work, but my life always comes first. I always wanted to have a beautiful life, and the way to do it is in show business.

I think I will be able to, in the end, rise above the clouds and climb the stairs to heaven, and I will look down on my beautiful life.

Music has the power to transcend your physical being and take you up. Because music has a metaphysical quality it really makes your life beautiful.

Everything is a gift. The degree to which we are awake to this truth is a measure of our gratefullness, and gratefullness is a measure of our aliveness.

Surround yourself with people who are going to support you regardless of what your sexual orientation is, and you can have a beautiful life filled with love.

I have a really beautiful life right now, so there is no reason to be hostile. I'm a husband, a father and a man who tries to do the right thing in life and in my work.

Basically, I chose not to identify with being broke any longer. I realized I deserved a beautiful life, and abundance was something that I needed to welcome into my life.

The less people know about you, the more you understand how beautiful life is. It's good when you exist only on screen. I don't want them to take me home. I love to have my privacy.

I know I live a charmed, beautiful life and nobody wants to hear a celebrity whine. The last thing I want to do is complain; I love what I do and I know every job comes with a downside.

Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before, how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever.

My father passed away when I was seven, mom single-handedly brought up my brother Rahul and me. She was a civil surgeon posted in rural areas. We went through some tough times but she gave us a beautiful life.

My theory on life is that life is beautiful. Life doesn't change. You have a day, and a night, and a month, and a year. We people change - we can be miserable or we can be happy. It's what you make of your life.

At the end of the day, if I can say that I had a career where I was able to play all different kinds of characters and I'm known as someone who is well-respected for my approach to the craft, that would be a beautiful life.

The true measure of a man is not his intelligence or how high he rises in this freak establishment. No, the true measure of a man is this: how quickly can he respond to the needs of others and how much of himself he can give.

There are young people having babies every day that cannot possibly take care of them, and, as people who believe that every life is beautiful, we need to make them aware of another choice - to give that beautiful life up for adoption.

Hopefully, after 'Victorious' has lived a long and beautiful life, I would like to go into movies. And I'd like to have a very successful movie career. Ultimately I'd love to win an Oscar; that's my big goal in life, so that's what I'm going for.

The thing about life is that you must survive. Life is going to be difficult, and dreadful things will happen. What you do is move along, get on with it, and be tough. Not in the sense of being mean to others, but being tough with yourself and making a deadly effort not to be defeated.

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