The form of truth will bear exposure, as well as that of beauty herself.

British taxpayers should not bear the costs of problems in the Eurozone.

Some troubles, like a protested note of a solvent debtor, bear interest.

Without virtue it is difficult to bear gracefully the honors of fortune.

I think bears and worms aren't very similar... until you think of gummy.

Equally inured by moderation either state to bear, prosperous or adverse.

When it comes to love, the English language bears no shortage of cliches.

They who have steeped their soul in prayer can every anguish calmly bear.

And bear about the mockery of woe To midnight dances and the public show.

A man who can't bear to share his habits is a man who needs to quit them.

Glamour is something you can't bear to be without once you're used to it.

Bear Island knows no king but the King in the North, whose name is STARK.

Bear sorrows and calamities patiently, otherwise you will never be happy.

Plato's dialogues bear at least some similarities to the classical plays.

Bulls and bears aren't responsible for as many stock losses as bumsteers.

So every bondman in his own hand bears The power to cancel his captivity.

(She grabbed him for a bear hug.) Stop sexually harassing me, Mom. (Nick)

Art isn't anecdote. It's the consciousness we bring to bear in our lives.

I think to love bravely is the best and accept - as much as one can bear.

We bear, all of us, the misfortunes of other people with heroic constancy.

They who have steeped their souls in prayer Can every anguish calmly bear.

International relations bears more than a slight resemblance to the mafia.

So even though I couldn't bear writing about cancer, I faced it every day.

Not to feel one's misfortunes is not human, not to bear them is not manly.

A woman is never free to bear a child unless she is also free to abort it.

I couldn't bear it if anyone knew I had hardly any self-confidence at all.

A bear remains a bear - even when most of him has fallen off or worn away.

A dozen direct censures are easier to bear than one morganatic compliment.

Everything that I bear within me bound, is to be found somewhere else free.

One must go through periods of numbness that are harder to bear than grief.

More was revealed in a human face than a human being can bear face to face.

True love believes everything, and bears everything, and trusts everything.

My nickname when I was young was Teddy, so people would call me Teddy Bear.

Our self-love can less bear to have our tastes than our opinions condemned.

The heaviest burden that one has to bear in this life is the burden of sin.

I'm a fine artist working in a commercial arena, so that's my cross to bear

The greatest shackles we bear in thislife are those forged by our own fears

To have the universe bear one company would be a great consolation in death.

You cannot make gross sins look clear: To revenge is no valour, but to bear.

I went from my mother to my wife. And to this day, I can't bear to be alone.

No one will dare maintain that it is better to do injustice than to bear it.

Just being in a room with myself is almost more stimulation than I can bear.

In Vancouver, you have to lock your doors - not for strangers, but for bears.

I would bear any affliction rather than be burdened with a guilty conscience.

The person who will bear much shall have much to bear, all the world through.

To bear other people's afflictions, everyone has courage and enough to spare.

I am supposed to take the bullets and absorb them. Like a bear, a polar bear.

The purest suffering bears and carries in its train the purest understanding.

Human beings can't bear silence.It would mean that they would bear themselves.

Thirst of power and of riches now bear sway, The passion and infirmity of age.

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