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Yes, I did feel a special responsibility to be the first American woman in space.
I am not trying to be the next anyone - I am going to be the first Dolph Ziggler!
I'm incredibly proud to be the first trans director to be nominated for an Oscar.
I'd be the first to say that cybersecurity is a difficult and challenging matter.
Real Madrid will be the first team to claim two Champions League trophies in a row.
I never wanted to be the next Bruce Lee. I just wanted to be the first Jackie Chan.
I would like to be the first ambassador to the United States from the United States.
What does it take to be the first female anything? It takes grit, and it takes grace.
I'm going to be the first person to do every creative idea he's ever had in his head.
I am honored to be the first international player featured on the cover of 'NBA 2K19.'
From when I was a young boy, I wanted to be the first person to direct a movie at 100.
I'll be the first one to admit my first couple of years I was pretty hard on the refs.
Animal substance seems to be the first food of all birds, even the granivorous tribes.
My hope is to be the first disabled swimmer on an able-bodied team at the Y Nationals.
Fuel conservation is a necessity, and I have to be the first person to set the example.
I loved dinosaurs, I loved space, and I thought maybe I'd be the first paleo-astronaut.
None are more taken in by flattery than the proud, who wish to be the first and are not.
I love to chit-chat and used to be the first to arrive at a party and the last to leave.
I just look to be myself. I'm not trying to be nobody. I'm just trying to be the first Zion.
He said that if we were going to have a war, they would never be the first ones to start it.
That's the charm of Deadpool. He's charmingly annoying, and he'll be the first to admit that.
Do you seriously expect me to be the first Prince of Wales in history not to have a mistress?
We really suffer from a hot-take disease, wanting to be the first one who has the hottest take.
If I ever woke up with a dead hooker in my hotel room, Matt would be the first person I'd call.
No one else has performed in a play after they've died, and I want to be the first person to do it.
I am proud to be the first British champion, and headlining MSG is a testament to all the hard work.
Your computer needn't be the first thing your see in the morning and the last thing you see at night.
I know I won't be the first one to say this, but Suzuka is definitely my favourite circuit of the year.
I always wanted to be the first true Latino to break the American barrier, to be on the American charts.
The state must be the first to be organized and totally committed to serving the interests of the people.
I would be the first to say that while a lack of money can cause misery, money doesn't buy you happiness.
We could perform in space or be the first band to play moon, but we want to be the first 'Star Wars' band.
It's like the first man to go to the moon, I will be the first man to run under two hours, this is crucial.
I'm not one to throw anybody under a bus, but check this out: I'll be the first one to step in front of it.
I've gotta check, but I think I'll be the first UFC fighter in history to have the lead role in a big movie.
John Cena is a name I will never forget, and in the Royal Rumble, he will be the first man that I eliminate.
My mother had a saying: 'Kamala, you may be the first to do many things, but make sure you're not the last.'
The first thing I think about when somebody says you're going to be the first Muslim is celebrate this moment.
I want to be the first Conor Maynard. I think I want to have a successful career that is unique in its own way.
The winner of the hoop race will be the first to realize her dream, not society's dream, her own personal dream.
I will be the first to admit that I've made my own mistakes when it comes to Virginia's disclosure requirements.
I'm already the first Georgian to play in the Finals, but I also want to be the first to be part of an NBA title.
Self-preservation shouldn't be the first instinct in politics. It should be doing the right thing for the country.
The fact that I was going to be the first American woman to go into space carried huge expectations along with it.
A thousand games for one organization, it's pretty cool, and I'm going to be the first guy to do it in Washington.
I'm a normal guy who wants to play games, whether it be the first, the 95th or the 97th of my international career.
You can't wait for someone to give you a show. That can't be the first time you're writing and drawing a character.
All in all it was a smooth race, the car was very well balanced. I'm very proud to be the first winner here in India.
To be the first to do something is huge - all eyes are on you. You just don't know how people are going to judge you.
I've been thinking a lot about next year, which will be the first time in 25 years that I don't have a child at home.