I don't have to be good because they think I'm going to be good.

After all, why be good? How many will actually believe it of us?

I am a perfectionist. When I take a picture...it's gotta be good.

To change the world we must be good to those who cannot repay us.

If you're only making an album every 10 years, it better be good.

My country has been very good to me; I must be good to my country.

Anybody can be good in the country. There are no temptations there.

We know that men and women can be good without faith. We know that.

Your natural decisions are the decisions that are going to be good.

I never liked being photographed. I just happened to be good at it.

In the state of love, no matter what you do, it's going to be good.

What's good for America better damn well be good for General Motors.

I can't make anybody happy, so I try my best to be good at what I do

Later, I discovered there was a lot of work to being good in tennis.

Knowing how bad you could be is a great encouragement to being good.

It doesn't take much to be good, but it takes a lot to be real good.

I wouldn't do the movie unless I thought it had a chance to be good.

Is it so good to be sad...? If it is... then I don't care to be good.

What's good for the very rich might not be good for anybody but them.

But I suppose there might be good in things, even if we don't see it.

Public reason arguments can be good or bad just like other arguments.

Lyrics need to be good, but they don't need to be obvious right away.

Be good, kind, and friendly to the receptionist. She's had a hard day.

Trade can really be good for American workers and American businesses.

This world is good enough for me, if only I can be good enough for it.

I think if you serve under John Kelly your morale is going to be good.

Life loves the liver of it. You must live and life will be good to you.

He is not bad, I don't think. Perhaps he is simply too lazy to be good.

But what is Freedom? Rightly understood, A universal licence to be good.

Men have never been good, they are not good and they never will be good.

I've never had any desire to be good. I don't like goodness particularly.

What narrow innocence it is for one to be good only according to the law.

It is much more intelligent, more practical, to be good rather than evil.

Well, there's a morality in that you want your work to be good, I suppose.

If I am not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to be good to me?

Our government is a gift from God, who calls us to be good stewards of it.

Peace is the result of love, and if love were easy we'd all be good at it.

A woman should be good for everything at home, but abroad good for nothing.

The chemicals in the dishwashing process tend not to be good for saucepans.

Any literature, when it arrives at being good literature, transcends genre.

I intend to be good for the rest of my natural life -- if I live that long.

Well, I'm not saying that an emissions tax is ever going to be good policy.

All human beings search for either reasons to be good, or excuses to be bad.

Too many people get credit for being good, when they are only being passive.

After all, what's good enough for Austen ought to be good enough for anyone.

Somethings were meant to be and somethings were just meant to be good stories

It must be a good thing to be good or ivrybody wudden't be pretendin' he was.

We can all be good when we have no temptation or provocation to the contrary.

Each of us has more opportunities to do good and to be good than we ever use.

Any good thing that happens to someone you love can only be good for you too.

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