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Of course the people in the Bullet Club will have similarities and always will, but finding what I can do as Adam Cole to be different is important.
Always be different; don't follow the rules. Don't do what anyone tells you. Don't use the same sounds as people; don't use the same drums as people.
There's so many other things I want to do. I don't want to do them to be different or just for a challenge, but because my heart and soul tell me to.
If it was true that I just cared about the money, then my whole attitude would be different. I want to win every game, and I want to go out a winner.
I've always wanted to have my own business, but not in the traditional sense... I always found that quite off-putting. I just wanted to be different.
I hope I can be a filmmaker where every movie will be different, and not make one type of movie. I'm always looking for a character that interests me.
I always wanted to be different. If it was different I liked it. And it wasn't because I was just trying so hard to be different, it's just by nature.
As an actor, my desire was always to be different, there was a desire to associate yourself with projects that bring about the contemporary situation.
You go to the airport and look at the bookstand, and you feel the titles are similar, the covers are similar, and you wonder how they can be different.
The Hispanic population in this country is not a monolith. When you're in Miami, the newscast is going to be different from the newscast in Los Angeles.
My woman, the person who's buying the clothes, is from all walks in life. She's from different countries and cultures. She's going to be different sizes.
When it all boils down, being Courtney has forced me to be different to the status quo, which means I have gotten to decide on every choice along the way.
We had to give each other permission to be different as parents. That's why there's a mom and a dad with two different approaches, because you do need both.
Islamist groups have gained influence at local and national level by playing the politics of identity and demanding for Muslims the 'right to be different.'
I want to be different and have a good story. If it's a good story, then everybody is trying to tell it, everybody is better for it, and it's just more fun.
Hublot has always been happy to be different, unique and they want to be the first to do things - and they certainly have done that when it comes to cricket.
The most significant thing is to always stay true to yourself. What brought you to where you are will continue to separate you. The thing is to be different.
I grew up looking for myself onscreen and never could find myself. And I believe that I am supposed to be Toula to show people that it's O.K. to be different.
The task of a priest, in some respects, may be different today, but the principles upon which Herbert built his life as a priest are of universal application.
Every time we do anything artistic, the way it's perceived is always going to be different from the way that we had intended it to be because it's subjective.
You know, I'll tell you, nothing changed after 'No Strings' for me. A lot of people said, like, 'Your game will be different,' but it wasn't. It really wasn't.
If someone shut down Twitter tomorrow, and Trump had to get started on some other platform, he'd never do it. And I think the whole country would be different.
If you can do something that's authentic to yourself, how you feel as a person, then it's gonna be different than everybody else because everybody's different.
I am impressed with what happens when someone stays in the same place and you took the same picture over and over and it would be different, every single frame.
I wasn't intentionally trying to be different, but that was an element of what I naturally do that happened to be unique enough to spark a curiosity for people.
I observed how a man does action sequences and then adapted it for myself. As a woman, the way I perform the stunts will be different from the way a man does it.
Girls in Asia are very obedient, shy, timid, quiet, but I can tell that it's changing, and I want them to be stronger and tell them that it's OK to be different.
I've always had a real interest in the way that science fiction can portray a world that could be different to our world, which I find a really exciting thought.
It is not possible to design always the same. How to be different in each different place - that is the most important work and duty of the architect to find out.
I'd rather play here in this small bar and just do a good show. Because it's fun and there's no expectations, it's encouragement to be different, do something new.
The thing is that I never felt beautiful. I really never did. I think I can change my looks and be different things, but I've never thought of myself as this face.
I always see Beethoven as having been influenced by Haydn. Yet he started a revolution - not just to be different, but also because he lived in a revolutionary era.
I don't want to be the cliche American Idol dude. I want to be different, you know - that's the whole goal, me and music. It's about being yourself and being unique.
I have travelled all over the world and one thing that amazes me is that I can communicate with people. My story may be different but emotionally we are all the same.
There were times I was told, 'You are too gay.' I turned down a lot of things because producers said they wanted me to be different. I said, 'It's not going to happen.'
We have to stop this stereotype that for girls it's about being in pink and horse riding. We need to teach kids to think outside the box, to dare girls to be different.
I tell myself things will be different in a few years' time, but this is the most wonderful, golden time for me. I'm basking in the success of 'Tango', really loving it.
I don't pretend that 'Heavy Rain' will be a revolution, and I don't know if people will love it or hate it. All I can say is that it is definitely going to be different.
One of the most horrible wastes of capital you see is the duplication of the effort by the car manufacturers to do things that appear to be different from the other guy.
One of the things I admire most about millennials is they celebrate individualism, and their singularity is encouraged. To be different is to be cool as opposed to weird.
The guy I cater my clothes to wants to be different without going overboard. So we sell many classic silhouettes with unique details to avoid things from getting ordinary.
For years, young adults have adopted extremely liberal world views in their attempts to be different, ultimately failing to see the irony that they've all become the same.
When I got the audition for 'Big Little Lies,' I knew this project was going to be different than anything I'd ever done. That didn't change the way I approached the role.
I always tried to be different from everyone else. Then I found out about boxing. That was the way I could be different from everyone else. I always went against the crowd.
My childhood definitely revolved around my relationship with my brother. I wanted to be different. I wanted to find my way of being as intriguing and interesting as he was.
For sure, the 'Obamania' that's fast taking hold reflects an incredible thirst for change in global politics and, dare I say, a wave of optimism that things can be different.
I just like a good story. I want the story to be good and I want the character to be different than the last one I played. That's not always possible, but that's what I want.
If it was going to be unique, if you're going to make a robot movie in 2011... it had to be different, and it had to be about more than its machines and more than its action.
I'm singularly lucky to have worked with directors who dared me to take risks and be different and I am thankful to the Indian film industry for giving me my primary identity.
Thus the races, though alike in their physical response to climate, may possibly be different in their mental response because they have approached America by different paths.