It's hard to be careful, though, when you feel indestructible.

God used words to create this planet, so be careful with them.

You must be careful not to deprive the poem of its wild origin.

Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.

Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life.

Opponents of cap and trade should be careful what they wish for.

Be careful in the company of monsters that you don't become one.

One has to be careful what one takes when one goes away forever.

Be careful what you dream: soon your dreams will be dreaming you.

Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.

RULERS should be careful about what songs are allowed to be sung.

Be careful what you say to your children. They may agree with you.

Be careful about the advice you give, especially to your children.

Be careful that victories do not carry the seed of future defeats.

Be careful about gossiping because loose lips really do sink ships.

I'm never in one place. I also have to be careful at public events.

Be're all I've got left, to remind me who I really am.

Be careful what you wish for. You never know who will be listening.

Be careful, perfection can make persons and work pass out of sight.

Be careful! Never show your superiors that you are superior to them.

This days one must be careful to avoid awakening the pain of another.

Be careful never to retire to rest in a room not properly ventilated.

Our expectations determine how we respond. Be careful what you expect.

One must always be careful not to let one's work be covered with moss.

Be careful what you set your heart upon - for it will surely be yours.

Be careful not to compromise what you want most for what you want now.

Democracies have to be careful that they do not become so process-driven.

Be careful going in search of adventure - it's ridiculously easy to find.

I try to be careful how much I sing about the suburban house or whatever.

As a person, I'm incredibly overfamiliar. I have to be careful what I say!

Be careful how you live; you will be the only Bible some people ever read.

I think it's important to watch out for our environment and to be careful.

We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be.

You have to be careful to react when you start to deviate from your course.

Undertake not what you cannot perform, but be careful to keep your promise.

If you are one of the truly elect, be careful how you attain your eminence.

We must be careful that the business we build does not become mere busyness.

You gotta be careful: don't say a word to nobody about nothing anytime ever.

Opera singers, we're not muscle men; you have to be careful about your work.

Anyone who reaches for great expression has to be careful of the ridiculous.

Be careful what you show the world. You never know when the wolf is watching.

Be careful what you're doing, because no one is ever who you want them to be.

I like a lot of things but I am diabetic so I have to be careful with sugars.

Be careful what you're good at doing, because you'll probably do a lot of it.

The police came to me to say I had death threats and that I had to be careful!

You have to be careful as a libertarian because you can sound very Republican.

I believe in everything in moderation but I try to be careful about what I eat.

We can't choose our fate, but we can choose others. Be careful in knowing that.

We have to be careful of not injecting more uncertainty than economy can handle

You have to be careful not to use anything too colloquial or you date the book.

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