Let us fight the battle-retreat from the things that attract us and rouse ourselves to meet the things that actually attack us.

Every social war is a battle between the very few on both sides who care and who fire their shots across a crowd of spectators.

All you have the right to ask of life is to choose a battle in this war, make the best you can, and leave the field with honor.

All my battles were with male egos. I’m just looking for equality, not to dominate. But I want to be able to control my vision.

People are always wanting to pull me up on my shortfalls. I try to battle against those and concentrate on how good things are.

Humankind has understood history as a series of battles because, to this day, it regards conflict as the central facet of life.

The truth has to be unveiled. If the West insists, if it keeps pushing, the battles have to be fought. And they will be fought.

There's the tradition in jazz of having the “Battle of the Bands” and you do not want to get your head cut when you're playing.

There's an internal battle. I need to work, I need to work, I need to work and I need to be home with my kids and the kids win.

Freedom is a lonely battle, but if the United States doesn't lead it - sometimes imperfectly, but mostly with honor - who will?

The battle for evolution seems never-ending. And the battle is part of a wider war, a war between rationality and superstition.

In a battle all you need to make you fight is a little hot blood and the knowledge that it's more dangerous to lose than to win.

You have to win every battle. Every small metre counts, and you have to win your duels. Then you will see you will win the game.

We have these ambitions that are very hard to accomplish because life puts us in our place. We have this battle with mediocrity.

Capricornia is one of the most marginal seats in the country. So naturally the electoral battle is fought in the marginal seats.

The history of creation is but a succession of battles between amateurs of genius-inspired heretics- and orthodox professionals.

After my time in Holland, an inner battle ensued in which I tried to free myself from the influence of Schinkelesque classicism.

I think I understand what military fame is; to be killed on the field of battle and have your name misspelled in the newspapers.

We all miss you so much. It just never ends. It feels like we were all wounded in your battle, Caroline. I miss you. I love you.

I believe unless we have ambition to accomplish things and to do things that we amount to but very little in the battle of life.

There's no limit to what you can accomplish, but there's always someone one step ahead of you, so it's a constant uphill battle.

A constant struggle, a ceaseless battle to bring success from inhospitable surroundings, is the price of all great achievements.

As a property developer, I learned a long time ago to choose your battles wisely and that, unfortunately, compromise is a given.

My mission my whole career was just to be somebody that you can look at and say, 'That's the guy I want to go into battle with.'

The one perfectly divine thing, the one glimpse of God's paradise given on earth, is to fight a losing battle - and not lose it.

The battle of the euro is being fought right now in Spain and Italy...The future of the euro is at stake in the next few weeks...

We may disagree among ourselves, but let us never lose sight of that greater battle for one people, one country, one Philippines.

My band did the Teenage Fair battle of the bands - problem was we were 11 years old! They gave us a prize for youngest band ever.

When you start the match, you forget that you are No. 1, you have all the titles. You just have the battle ahead in front of you.

Keep this straight in your head: we are not fighting an alien invasion - we're leading a revolution. And today the battle begins.

Why is it that all battles are fought in the middle of the night, in downpouring rain, and at the corners of four different maps?

It always is a battle for a Republican in Connecticut, even one who's a moderate like I am, and one who's an independent thinker.

I can sit in the boardroom and battle it out, step up and be a project manager, take risks, and put my ideas alongside anybody's.

Jane Austen can in fact get more drama out of morality than most other writers can get from shipwreck, battle, murder, or mayhem.

Battles are won in the trenches, in the grit and grime of courageous determination; they are won day by day in the arena of life.

This is not a battle between the United States of America and terrorism, but between the free and democratic world and terrorism.

I love that Viking era, but also they're a fatalistic people and that dictated their fearlessness in battle and approach to life.

Whither depart the souls of the brave that die in the battle, Die in the lost, lost fight, for the cause that perishes with them?

Whether you realize it or not, your ongoing battle with unbelief drives all your sinful thoughts, emotions, desires, and actions.

There's a lot of pressure, and it's a long battle, to coach at the elite level. My wife and I didn't take a vacation for 10 years.

I would love to have a battle of wits with you, Bison, but I doubt it would be a fair fight.' 'Shut your face.' 'Exactly my point.

The one who figures on victory at headquarters before even doing battle is the one who has the most strategic factors on his side.

The 'Star Wars' films are known for their exotic aliens, sophisticated robots, sleek technology, and planet-sized battle stations.

Recruiting is tough because you have to stay in the battle. You've got so many guys that are going after a certain amount of kids.

We welcome the opposition of the world, because we are determined to see the battle through. Africa's battle-cry is not yet heard.

Breakfast is a battle. I never feel like eating, but I have now found my way to porridge. I have it with full-fat milk and banana.

King Of The Dot is huge; battle rap is huge right now. My first battle that I went to was King Of The Dot - shout out to Lush One.

I am humbled by the prospect of serving those who have borne the battle, those American men and women who have sacrificed so much.

In the '90s, there was always this continuous pitting of women against each other in the media, trying to make them battle it out.

Every Easter, at one household or another, I find a battle begins and the conversation of how to 'properly eat' a chocolate bunny.

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