The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that's the way to bet.

Explain to me why it is more noble to kill ten thousand men in battle than a dozen at dinner.

Life - the way it really is - is a battle not between Bad and Good but between Bad and Worse.

The biggest battle that I have is being a woman in the world. That takes center stage for me.

Only the fool wants to go into battle to beat someone for the satisfaction of beating someone.

God's will! my liege, would you and I alone, Without more help, could fight this royal battle!

The primary battle which religion must fight today is the battle to justify its own existence.

We draw our strength from the battle. From our greatest conflicts come our greatest victories.

My first book was rejected nine times. It turned out to be a best seller, Battle Cry? in 1953.

The last struggle for our rights, the battle for our civilization, is entirely with ourselves.

Error reduction is like adverse-event reduction; it's a continuous battle, not a one time fix.

I do not know if she was virtuous, but she was ugly, and with a woman that is half the battle.

I wonder sometimes why the U.S. reviewers are more negative towards turn-based battle systems.

You have to go through tough experiences and go through some battles, in order to be stronger.

Growing up, it was always a huge battle with my mom to let me color my hair or add extensions.

One battle doesn't make a campagin, but critics treat one book, good or bad, like a whole war.

In the heat of the battle, it's always different than when you go back and look at it on film.

Battle For The Planet Of The Apes', was just a film for kids and didn't have any deep meaning.

Battles are won, not with weapons, but with God. They are won where the way leads to the cross.

'Battle For The Planet Of The Apes', was just a film for kids and didn't have any deep meaning.

A woman watches her body uneasily, as though it were an unreliable ally in the battle for love.

Well, I'm reading about the battle of New Orleans right now. I've got an eclectic reading list.

The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles.

The first serious infowar is now engaged. The field of battle is WikiLeaks. You are the troops.

To get involved with some ridiculous battle of power with someone else will use up your energy.

Preparing for battle, plans were essential. But once the battle was joined, plans were useless.

There's always that mental battle, who's going to have that confidence to be on the front foot.

My wife and I battle over home decor. My style goes from Gothic to Baroque. Hers is minimalist.

Tragedy and adversary are the stones we sharpen our swords against so we can fight new battles.

It's not about tippy-tappy, namby-pamby football. It's a battle, and we have to be ready for it.

My call is the call of battle- I nourish active rebellion;/ He going with me must go well armed.

If I missed a game, that meant I was losing the battle. I'm not going to let leukemia affect me.

The battle between good and evil is endlessly fascinating because we are participants every day.

For those who are fighters rather than defeatists, a battle is over when it's impossible to win.

The affairs of war, like the destiny of battles, as well as empires, hang upon a spiders thread.

You see, the outcome of the battle is unimportant. What matters is the chaos, and the slaughter.

The battle against terrorism is not only a military fight but primarily a battle of information.

A quarrel is quickly settled when deserted by one party; there is no battle unless there be two.

The greatest weapon any warrior can carry into battle is absolute certainty of her eternal soul.

I'm not here to battle anybody. In the end it's just an instrument. That shouldn't be a concept.

The Battle of Koom Valley is the only one known to history where both sides ambushed each other.

It's always an uphill battle to defeat a Supreme Court nominee, but this is a fight worth having.

I have no first-strike capability. I never choose to go into battle first. But I won't back down.

I think we should be encouraged to learn from Columbine and let it be a battle cry for all of us.

The main thing for me - as a leader, anyway, is that you perform well. That's most of the battle.

I've been into 3IOB since 'Battle Cry Under a Winter's Sun.' I've wanted to work with them since.

To engage in a battle, one must know oneself, believe in oneself, and overcome one's own obstacle

False ideals cannot be shattered by criticism. Right ideals must take up the battle against them.

You are a fool to speak of last great battles...for the last great battle is always the next one.

Raising children is an uncertain thing; success is reached only after a life of battle and worry.

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