I enjoy getting dressed as a Barbie doll.

I am the living Barbie Doll, how are you?

I did a picture for the First Barbie doll box.

I'm just a Ragetty Anne in a Barbie Doll World

I thought the Barbie doll would always be successful.

I didn't have a Barbie doll, so I played with eternity.

You know you've made it when you can dye your hair blue.

We Barbie dolls are not supposed to behave the way I do.

You know I won't be no stick-figure, silicone Barbie doll

People view child actors the same way that girls treat their Barbie dolls.

She hated their new nickname. It made them sound like deranged Barbie dolls.

Growing up, my dolls were doctors and on secret missions. I had Barbie Goes Rambo.

He liked women with little butts and big tits? Someone had played with one too many barbie dolls as a kid.

We're not freaks, Tally. We're normal. We may not be gorgeous, but at least we're not hyped-up Barbie dolls.

I didn't want to be a Barbie doll. I didn't want to be a passive entertainer. It wasn't how I wanted to present myself.

It would have been very easy for me to put on a little tight skirt and go out and try what I always call the Barbie doll roles.

Shotgunning anybody in this room would be the moral equivalent of killing a car, a Barbie doll, a vacuum cleaner. We're all such products.

The doll, Dallas. You know, Barbie doll. Jeez, didn't you ever have dollies?" "Dolls are like small dead people. I have enough dead people, thanks.

You know you've made it when you've been moulded in miniature plastic. But you know what children do with Barbie dolls - it's a bit scary, actually.

When I was really young. My sister and I would create different characters with our Barbie dolls - I'd be the crazy diva Barbie and she'd be the homeless Barbie.

Those that think my clothes are androgynous also still believe that women should look like Barbie dolls. That's precisely the problem, the deep-rooted assumptions about what is feminine.

I don't like being under someone elses thumb. I'm very supportive of other female artists, especially those trying to make their own statement... trying to do what they want instead of being someone else's Barbie doll.

I think for a long time people just did not know what to do with me. I looked like a Barbie doll and then I had this voice like I spend my life in a bar, and I said things that were alarming and had ideas that didn't make sense.

[On the Barbie doll:] Her values, while somewhat Yuppified, are not so bad. Look at GI Joe. His only wardrobe is fatigues, he spends all his time trying to kill people, or getting his own innards splashed across the landscape. His big hobby is death.

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