The banquet is in the first bite.

The whole banquet is in the first spoonful.

Ther's no great banquet but some fares ill.

Discourse, the sweeter banquet of the mind.

We should have a banquet on the day haters die.

Jealous people poison their own banquet and then eat it

Everybody, soon or late, sits down to a banquet of consequences.

Time is an eternal guest that banquets on our ideals and bodies.

... I was merely a disinterested spectator at the Banquet of Life.

It is always easier to be an epicure of a small repast than of a banquet.

Push on, friend. You're just one exciting step from the banquet hall of life.

A banquet is probably the most fatiguing thing in the world except ditch digging.

My dad was a bartender that worked banquets. So that meant holidays, weekends, nights.

At banquets surfeit not, but fill; partake, and retire; and eat not again till you crave.

Parents do not, indeed, live by bread alone. We feast daily on banquets of our own words.

So comes a reck'ning when the banquet's o'er, The dreadful reckn'ning, and men smile no more.

You know, I've been attending so many banquets that I know what they're going to serve before I get there.

The pose of innocence is as mandatory as the ability to eat banquet food and endure the scourging of the press.

When your crowd of attendants so loudly applaud you, Pomponius, it is not you, but your banquet, that is eloquent.

[When criticized for appearing bare-shouldered Madonna-like at a banquet:] A comparison between Madonna and me is a comparison between a strapless evening gown and a gownless evening strap.

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