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Comments that suggest that Muslims should be banned from the United States are offensive and unconstitutional.
If I could believe the Quakers banned music because church music is so damn bad, I should view them with approval.
I don't own a scale, and Tao banned the word 'fat' from our house. If we eat too much, we say, 'I feel clogged up.'
To be clear, all white nationalists/anti-Semites are banned from Proud Boys even if they never bring up said topics.
Barbies were banned at our house, along with television other than PBS. As a kid, I found this horribly embarrassing.
Many other countries have already banned human cloning, and there are efforts at the UN to make such a ban universal.
Being banned from UK will be minor irritant for [Donald] Trump, but catastrophic for local community around Turnberry.
All I dream of is to be able to leave Egypt. If I found out I was banned from traveling, I won't let them imprison me.
I did write a letter to the archdiocese who'd banned the song, Only the Good Die Young, asking them to ban my next record.
You know what should be banned? Stuff that's whack. The world is controversial. The world is classist. The world is racist.
I'm banned from Middlebrook elementary for telling dirty jokes to the janitor. The janitor! He cleans up dirt for a living.
Swallows have disappeared, bees are dying out because of pesticides that should have been banned long ago - it's a scandal.
I'd be quite happy if cars were banned from central London. Why are we not using little tuk-tuks rather than big black cabs?
They asked me to go on 'Hell's Kitchen' but I'm banned from reality TV by my wife. She's not up for that kind of tomfoolery.
Censorship is un-American, and it's egregious that any journalist would advocate for others to be banned for political speech.
No,you're officially banned from listening to us. Or thinking about this. Or even thinking about thinking about this, understand?
Nothing should be banned. Anything that is progressive and contributes something to society shouldn't come in the way of politics.
If athletes are found to have taken performance enhancing drugs, then they should be banned for two years, even if they are British.
Botox should be banned for actors, as steroids are for sportsmen. Acting is all about expression; why would you want to iron out a frown?
My earliest memories of defying my parents were through music. I remember rap being banned in my house, and then getting a Cam'ron album.
'Le Petit Soldat' was banned in Paris; it wasn't out in the movie houses. It was forbidden because it was talking about the Algerian war.
The right of liberty is God-given and immortal. It cannot be regulated. Or controlled. It cannot be banned. And it must not be restricted.
When Oregon was founded as a state in 1857, its constitution explicitly banned Black people from visiting, living and owning property here.
Sometimes great, banned works defy the censor's description and impose themselves on the world - 'Ulysses,' 'Lolita,' the 'Arabian Nights.'
No longer can a bailiff come crashing through someone's door in the dead of night. We have banned them from visiting between 9 P.M. and 6 A.M.
Young adult author Richelle Mead holds the distinction to perhaps be the only author ever to have a book banned... before it was even written.
A decision by Germany's highest court that banned the display of crosses or crucifixes in classrooms has sparked widespread outrage and protest.
Twitter died when the company banned me from its platform. I know that sounds egotistical. But remember what I just said. I'm right about everything.
I bought a bar because we got banned from playing everywhere else. We were too nuts, and everyone was scared of us. It was Des Moines, Iowa, remember.
I think the labels 'Plus Size' and 'Curvy' should be banned. You don't say 'White model' or Skinny model.' Why should 'Plus Size' models have a label.
When I heard Donald Trump make that sweeping hysterical statement that all Muslims have to be banned because they are terrorists, I was chilled by that.
I never took banned substances, but I have been courted by doctors who wanted to improve my blood in the laboratory. My mother always put them on a flight.
Unlike others who have been caught swearing on camera, I apologised immediately. And yet I am the only person banned for swearing. That doesn't seem right.
I think laptops should be banned from schools. Until you can prove you can add up on your fingers or think independently in your head, you have learnt nothing.
It's very worrying at this time in the world that any point of view should be prohibited, that's banned, there are heretics that should be burned at the stake.
The people that are proposing banning assault weapons, well, first of all they're already banned. Assault weapon is a fully automatic, those are already banned.
Fortunately, when Benazir Bhutto was prime minister, she banned public whipping of women - banned whipping of women, period, which is a marvelous thing she did.
If your country is wiped off the map and your language is banned, if your literature has to serve a cause, it becomes, however brilliant, rather hard to travel.
I was banned when I feel I was at my peak, and anyone in my shoes would feel the same way I did and would also have gone through the whole range of emotions that I did.
What I find cool about being a banned author is this: I'm writing books that evoke a reaction, books that, if dropped in a lake, go down not with a whimper but a splash.
I had no idea that the over-the-counter supplement that I took was a substance banned by the NBA. It was an honest mistake, but I take full responsibility for my actions.
When I introduced a black soldier, Lt. Flap, in 1971, the Stars and Stripes banned the strip. They were having racial problems and thought it would increase the tensions.
In addition, we were unable to meet openly to discuss the progress of the book, for we were both on the list of persons banned from communicating with other banned persons.
There has to be a national consensus. We cannot legislate without overwhelming national consensus that religious and communal groups should be totally banned from politics.
Safety' hysteria destroyed MySpace in the press. It got MySpace banned from schools, Apple stores, and by well-meaning parents who had been terrorized by what they were reading.
We're not saying 'no guns.' We are saying we want to regulate semi-automatic weapons and the accessories that make them fully automatic because fully automatic weapons are banned.
I tried to go to Kosovo to establish a statue to commemorate those who died during the wars, and to discuss moving on, so we could move into a new era. But I was banned from there.
Oliver Darcy is a perpetual victim. He is constantly advocating for people to be banned and silenced. As a member of the media, Oliver Darcy should respect our First Amendment right.
I have no musical talent at all. I was banned from music classes and told I would never be able to understand anything. I still don't think I can sing, but somehow I get away with it.
Although my book is banned I am still allowed to go to China and travel. There is no longer the kind of control that Mao used to have-there have been deep fundamental changes in society.