Here in California, it is so dry. When I lived in New York, my skin definitely wasn't so dry. I always try to drink lots of water, which helps keep my lips from cracking, but I really need a good lip balm, too.

Lizz Wright, we call her lovingly 'Amazing Grace.' She has a folk and gospel kind of approach to the music, and she writes beautiful lyrics and songs. She's like this balm that is really full and very rich and deep.

I don't do lip balm. I believe hydration really comes from the inside out, so I try to drink a lot of water. I have children who are always asking for Vaseline on their lips, but I'm saying we need to drink more water.

Work is my balm. I've just finished my work in Ketan Mehta's 'The Rising.' It's one of the best films I've done. Such a fabulous line-up of technicians and artistes. Above all, I got the privilege of working with Aamir Khan.

Summer is the time when one sheds one's tensions with one's clothes, and the right kind of day is jeweled balm for the battered spirit. A few of those days and you can become drunk with the belief that all's right with the world.

A conviction that you are a daughter of God gives you a feeling of comfort in your self-worth. It means that you can find strength in the balm of Christ. It will help you meet the heartaches and challenges with faith and serenity.

When I'm not shooting, I don't wear much makeup. I just moisturize and maybe put on a berry-colored balm on my lips and cheeks, and then mascara - that's it. My face and hair gets abused every single day, so I try take it easy on off days.

I look very different on camera compared with how I do in real life. On camera, I look my best when everything is enhanced, especially my eyes - I like a smoky eye. In real life, I like myself best in tinted moisturiser, lip balm and mascara.

I use M.A.C. Brow Gel to bring out my eyebrows, then I curl my eyelashes every morning and apply M.A.C. Sheen Supreme Lipstick in Venomous Violet with my fingers - I use it as a lip balm multiple times throughout the day because I hate having bare lips.

Gospel music to me has always been a balm for the soul. It has been able to usher in the spirit, usher in worship, true worship and praise, healing. I find the music to be very good at healing and the passion, you know, which is a testimony being told in song.

I think, in some ways, that is the balm of stories, of fables, of tales: it's the way we're wired. We have always needed to distill what we're going through and try to understand it by looking either backwards or forwards. And the hardest is to look in the now.

My first lip balms were Bonne Bell Lip Smackers, which, correct me if I'm wrong, sometimes had little bracelets attached to the caps-meaning your lip balm could idly dangle from your wrist like a charm bracelet when not in use, not unlike some iPhone accessories.

If I found a healing tree in my backyard, and it grew some sort of fruit that was a healing balm for people to repair what was damaged, I'm not going to just harvest all of those fruits and say, 'You cant have this.' If I have a cure for people, I'm going to share it.

My makeup routine is a small amount of base, a mascara, nude eye shadow, and a lip balm or a gloss. When I go out at night, I wear a blusher and tons and tons of mascara - very easy, very fresh, very light. I can't sit around doing my own makeup all day - I wish I could.

I'm pedantic about lip balm. I've been chomping through Lip Smackers since age 11. So the lip balm called Lips! is a personal favourite. I also really love the Properly Clean cleanser. Women are wearing primer, sunscreen and makeup, so a cleanser needs to work hard these days.

I am a lip person. I constantly need a really good lip moisturizer with me. Mine is a Clairin's moisture replenishing lip balm. I have two of them: I have one I keep next to my bed, so it's the first and last thing in the morning and evening, and then 10 times a day in my purse.

Theatre requires devotion that is all-consuming. When we started out, we didn't mind working 12 hours a day. We didn't mind going endlessly over and over a scene to make it right. I was the company's costumer for the first few years, and I remember the budget for 'Balm in Gilead' was $150.

I see artists as the first responders. And when the proverbial crap hits the fan, we are there to be of service, to tell the story, to bring a balm, to soothe, to provide catharsis. You know, not to make our work any more important or less important, but just that there is a great importance to it.

I always have at least four different lip products in my purse - I'm obsessed! I'm into L'Oreal Infallible Le Rouge 'Unending Kiss.' It's a very soft and natural pink color. I've also discovered Burt's Bees tinted lip balm in 'sweet violet.' I like it because it's very natural and feels good on my lips.

I like Chanel mascara because it has the darkest black. For my eyebrows, I brush them through to keep them groomed and in place. And for my lips, I wear lip balm. I use Kiehl's Lip Balm #1. It's really helpful during fashion week. If I keep up with these three things, I feel like I look very fresh, young, and natural.

'Halal in the Family' will expose a broad audience to some of the realities of being Muslim in America. By using satire, we will encourage people to reconsider their assumptions about Muslims, while providing a balm to those experiencing anti-Muslim bias. I also hope those Uncles and Aunties out there will crack a smile!

This is part of the involuntary bargain we make with the world just by being alive. We get to experiences the splendor of nature, the beauty of art, the balm of love and the sheer joy of existence, always with the knowledge that illness, injury, natural disaster, or pure evil can end it in an instant for ourselves or someone we love.

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