Throwing water balloons wakes you up!

Whatever makes your balloon red, Swopes.

Another term for balloon is bad breath holder.

My sense of romance stretches a little further than a barrage balloon.

Balloon: Thing to take meteroric observations and commit suicide with.

That's it. Curtains. Off to the races. Treetops. Seashells and balloons.

There's something in a flying horse, There's something in a huge balloon.

We are really on track for a soft landing. There are no balloons popping.

I couldn't pronounce Arnold Schwarzenegger, so I called him Balloon Belly.

'House of Balloons' was actually supposed to have more songs than it does.

I think it's a trial balloon to see what happens, and I'm not impressed with it.

Imagination is to love what gas is to the balloon-that which raises it from earth.

We should all have personal hot air balloons and drift serenely through the clouds.

We're out of control on this loony balloon, barely missing the other planets and stars.

So what are those balloons for? In case you fall off your hoverboard?' -- Tally to Peris

Life is like a balloon; you must put something into it to get the best possible results.

An inflated balloon -- impressive to look at but hollow at the core and easily punctured.

Morality only is eternal. All the rest is balloon and bubble from the cradle to the grave.

When we used to live in a chawl during our childhood, we would play Holi with water balloons.

Every so often you have to increase your profile so you can let it lower again, like a balloon.

I used to get a shiver if I thought about holding balloons, because I was scared of floating away.

There is something very independent about French balloons - you feel you couldn't make a pet of one.

I saw a concert with Nena singing '99 Red Balloons' on TV and I said, 'I will also go onstage and sing.'

The famous are balloons far up in the sky, to be envied for their quiet freedom or shot down as enemies.

There is a savor of life and immortality in substantial fare. Like balloons, we are nothing till filled.

My dark side, my shadow, my lower companion is now in the back room blowing up balloons for kids' parties.

One time, when I was about eight, these guys started throwing water balloons at me. That really did ruin my summer.

Balloonists have an unsurpassed view of the scenery, but there is always the possibility that it may collide with them.

You should see my baby pictures. My cheeks hung off my face like water balloons. You can imagine how often I was teased.

The balloons only have one life and the only way of finding out whether they work is to attempt to fly around the world.

I remember as a child going around with "Votes For Women" balloons. I learnt early what it is to be snubbed for a good cause.

I've told my children that when I die, to release balloons in the sky to celebrate that I graduated. For me, death is a graduation.

I knew the second I finished the first record - 'House Of Balloons' - and had all this material leftover that a trilogy would be best.

Everyone will think it's stupid!" "Everyone says it's impossible." Guess what? Everyone works in the balloon factory and everyone is wrong.

Once you touch the biographies of human beings, the notion that political beliefs are logically determined collapses like a pricked balloon.

The platform underneath the balloon fell on her as she was trying to escape," she explained. "She was crushed." "I'd have been disappointed too.

She would stay on the road and in hiding, a balloon floating through the sky, eating up hundreds of miles a day with a help of the perpetual tailwind.

So the laughs had to come from the character, not because we had balloons in our shirts or were speaking in high voices. That was very important to us.

With my daughter, we do arts and crafts, we read a lot, we listen to music, and we cut the strings off balloons and bounce them around after birthday parties.

I've been lucky to have survived balloon trips, boating trips, you know, a lot of rather foolish things in my life, so I was definitely born under a lucky star.

I remember taking my stabilisers off my bike with my dad in the back garden. It was a small little bike, and it was called Poppy, had balloons on it, and was purple.

I work a lot with dynamics of how loud I'm talking, like speaking into balloons and then feeling the texture on my fingertips, and then I get used to the feeling on my throat.

My first job ever was selling balloons with my brother at parades when I was about six years old. My father wanted us to learn about money, how to make it, save it, spend it, etc.

The federal helium program sells vast amounts of the gas to U.S. companies that use it in everything from party balloons to MRI machines. If the government stops, no one else is ready.

As a child in the early 1980s, I tended to talk with things in my mouth - food, dentist's tubes, balloons that would fly away, whatever - and if no one else was around, I'd talk anyway.

President Obama could keep a big map with push pins on it to keep track of how many countries hate us, and when we get down to only half, let's have a ball. I'll blow up the balloons myself.

In a way, I'm always working with Mick Jones. I feel like he's watching over me all the time. We talk about everything: history quite a lot. Balloons and wars and old football players. The Clash.

My ambition with connectivity is not to fly balloons in the national airspace of other countries, but my dream is to be able to enable the local entrepreneurs to have low-cost connectivity solutions.

Trump lies when confronted with the truth, since any crack in his narcissism might spread like an Ebola of the soul, and he would deflate like one of Macy's balloons on the Friday after Thanksgiving.

When my life is stressful, my favorite game is called 'Pop It,' where you pop balloons and prizes fall out. It's a five-minute game that focuses my mind and gives me extra attention when I'm stressed.

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