The profession I have keeps dragging me into drama and taking me away from baking, flowering and gardening.

If baking is any labor at all, it's a labor of love. A love that gets passed from generation to generation.

The ordinary activities I find most compatible with contemplation are walking, baking bread, and doing laundry.

Get digital scales because, for baking, balance scales just aren't accurate enough: it's all in the weighing up.

I love cooking and baking in my free time and getting outside and walking around, as well as shopping and eating.

Baking isLife. So when you describe what you're making, you must describe life. Do you see? It's not just recipes.

I can't even cook an egg. The only thing I can do well is baking bread. I love it and find it incredibly therapeutic.

I've had many baking disasters but whatever it is, I'll cover it with icing and sprinkles and say a child has made it.

I could be baking a cake and I'll do it a certain way. If you're just a creative person, it'll come out no matter what.

Baking happens with ingredients that last for months and come to life inside a warm oven. Baking is slow and leisurely.

Language is an art, like brewing or baking.... It certainly is not a true instinct, for every language has to be learnt.

Baking without gluten is an awesome challenge in terms of the opportunity to learn so much more about what you can create.

Better-paid workers buy more goods and services, increasing aggregate demand and baking a bigger economic pie for everyone.

I was always Armie. There couldn't be a 90-year-old Armand and a 9-day-old one. And I heard enough jokes about baking soda.

If you're trying to create a company, it's like baking a cake. You have to have all the ingredients in the right proportion.

Baking is my pastime. I just love creating things. But it's not what I want to do for a living. Acting is what I want to do.

Baking cookies is comforting, and cookies are the sweetest little bit of comfort food. They are very bite-sized and personal.

Civilisation was built around wheat, around people settling down and not being nomadic. Baking is one of the oldest professions.

Baking's meant to be done at home. It's meant to be a good time. It's not about, like, hoarding secrets. It's about sharing them.

Baking can be done with a few simple ingredients, so it's about simplicity and nostalgia - people are reminded of their childhood.

Instead of doing cinnamon, nutmeg, and all those baking spices I'll have one spice that's for sweets, and that's pumpkin pie spice.

I love cookies baking. During the winter, they have these candles that smell like cookies, and I always buy like a hundred of them.

Sometimes there is dogma in baking and sometimes there is not - you just have to know when to break the rules and when to follow them.

Sure, you can mix the flour, baking soda, salt, shortening, and the whole nine yards, but why wouldn't you just pull out a box of Bisquick?

I wish I'd become a professional dancer sooner. I did other jobs - like baking - while dancing part-time, and didn't commit until I was 29.

I do not know how I developed the interest for baking. If I am not shooting, I head back home and start baking my favourite cakes and cookies.

I love making down-home Southern cooking, and just chilling out and having cakes and pies and baking stuff, you know. I'm a pretty simple girl.

I have a real interest in baking. I'd love to go to culinary school. That's actually my plan: to graduate high school and go to culinary school.

When you're in your twenties, your brain hasn't even finished baking, and your hormones are giving you all kinds of direction of which ways to go.

I played in Sri Lanka, so I know how hard it is to come here and win. The weather is baking hot and the conditions are alien to English cricketers.

The process of making a wedding cake is complex on its own, from designing, mis-en-place, baking, frosting, structuring, decorating, to delivering.

Truth is undoubtedly the sort of error that cannot be refuted because it was hardened into an unalterable form in the long baking process of history

The thing with children is they're a bit like baking a fruitcake: you throw all the ingredients in but you never know how they're going to turn out.

My father was often away with the army, or in London, but mum did a lot of the cooking. She never liked cakes - not baking. Meat. Fish. That's what she did.

My secret weapon is baking soda. It's a great natural exfoliator; you can put it in the shower and scrub down your body, and you can even use it on your teeth.

I absolutely adore baking with my nieces and nephews. It's super fun, and I love baking by myself, so what I like to do is have a cabinet for my baking essentials.

I have great childhood memories of my mother baking, and I was always a willing participant, especially if it meant I could revarnish the kitchen floor with treacle.

Baking is how you start kids at cooking in the kitchen. It's fun whether it's baking bread or cookies. With baking, you have to be exact when it comes to ingredients.

I use coconut oil in my cooking and as a beauty product. It's great for sauteing and baking and makes the best moisturizer and hair treatment. I'm coconut-oil obsessed!

I think baking cookies is equal to Queen Victoria running an empire. There's no difference in how seriously you take the job, how seriously you approach your whole life.

With wok cooking, you chop things up into little pieces for maximum surface area, so they can cook in minutes, if not seconds. Sauteing is energy efficient; baking is not.

I got picked on a lot, even by teachers too. I liked to listen to musicals and bake, and my homeroom teacher found out and mocked me in front of the whole class for baking.

Baking and coding involve using the same parts of your brain and a lot of the same skills, like being able to follow directions or create directions in a very systematic way.

Make gifts meaningful by putting the time in creating them, whether baking and cooking, or in making arts and craft. It will all have more meaning for the giver and receiver.

My secret skill is baking bread. My mother was a farmer's daughter and still made bread every day when I was a child. She would have me knead the dough when I got home from school.

Unlike other Jewish families, we didn't go out for Chinese food on Sundays, but we spent our time in a world of baking powder biscuits and the best shrimp cocktails that ever were.

You walk into the playgrounds in Shanghai and Beijing, and you see youngsters who are shorter, shaking and baking and having attitude. And Jeremy Lin is going to inspire all of them.

I actually use baking soda to exfoliate my lips - I mix a little bit with water and use my fingers to lightly scrub with it. Then I use jojoba oil and olive oil to keep them moisturized.

Always my fallback is - I'm gonna move to a poor town and open a scone shop... Sometimes after some bad auditions I think, you know what - time to open that scone shop! Let's start baking.

I adore cooking and baking and holiday feasts and dining with friends and spending too much money on mind-blowing meals in wonderful restaurants, but mostly, and quite simply, I love food.

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