But I married a guy who treated me very badly, but I was happy. I was miserable, so I was happy.

I'm forever reading on the Internet that I apparently cultivate this audience and never go badly.

Previous governments, particularly the one before I took over, mismanaged the economy quite badly.

When you want something so badly, you just do it. You don't think about how hard it's going to be.

I feel there are only well acted or badly acted roles and no such thing as a good actor or actress.

I never went to a university, and I am proud to say so because I don't think I have done too badly.

An awful lot of thriller writers write women rather badly. So just doing it OK gets a lot of credit.

Iraq's elite Republican Guard is doing so badly they're changing their name to the Democratic Guard.

The pain is bad magicians ripping off good ones, doing magic badly, and making a mockery of the art.

I am the kind of person who does want very badly to be liked. I'm a right-miserable little show off.

Kim Kardashian buttocks are very popular. However, that's dangerous as it can be fatal if done badly.

Implementing the so-called 'Buffett Rule' would restore some badly needed fairness to our tax system.

I wanted it so badly that there was no choice. It's like something in your blood that you have to do.

For years, I was either referred to as a 'rubber-faced funny man' or 'the 'Men Behaving Badly' star.'

Looking back at the 'Wonder Years,' I see things I did well, and I see things I did very, very badly.

I needed New Orleans so badly back in 2006, just somebody to believe in me, somebody to care about me.

I'm fantastic at cooking up stories. In the kitchen, I can, at best, make tea and a badly shaped dosa.

My public persona is badly warped and bears little resemblance to the person those closest to me know.

Commit yourself to quality from day one... it's better to do nothing at all than to do something badly.

I wake up usually quite late, just in time for the lunch, especially if I sleep badly during the night.

A key reason that elections are run so badly is that in most states, political partisans are in charge.

Democracy means government by the uneducated, while aristocracy means government by the badly educated.

Many badly needed goals, like fusion and cancer cure, would be achieved much sooner if we invested more.

Bipartisanship and decency are thrown to the waste side because people want their party to win so badly.

So I don't really suffer too badly from fears - I'm quite happy to engender them in other people though!

The only thing that would ever embarrass me would be something I would write that would be badly written.

There will always be people treated badly, which I feel is basic human nature and difficult to eliminate.

As a rule, there is no surer way to the dislike of men than to behave well where they have behaved badly.

One has to understand the functioning of the normal brain before studying the badly malfunctioning brain.

We need a tougher enforcement program and, most importantly, we need to fix the badly broken ethics system.

Women behaving badly has always been funny, to me personally, so I knew I wanted to do something like that.

I wanted to be a drag queen so badly. I'll bet I still own more wigs than any drag queen - I love me a wig.

By rights, I should be an out-of-work actress because I just don't want it as badly as some people want it.

I taught myself how to play guitar - pretty badly, but I knew enough about music to start to figure it out.

I suffer greatly from nerves. I have stage-fright badly, and it gets worse, but the stage is still my life.

I would be with those who say the hierarchy in the United States has badly mishandled this whole situation.

In my attempt to defend myself, I was badly injured on my left hand. I am shaken but fortunate to be alive.

The thing that contributes to anyone's reaching the goal he wants is simple wanting that goal badly enough.

You can't think you're God when you score an important goal or the worst player around when its going badly.

I was quite badly behaved at school - I remember cutting class - and acting was a way of channelling energy.

Every great device, gadget, electric car, and robot would be even greater if batteries didn't suck so badly.

You just want to get it right so badly, so it's stressful when it comes to those vulnerable, dramatic scenes.

In Asia, democracy has been less advanced than elsewhere. And many of these countries haven't done too badly.

My fear is dying badly, through illness or injury. But what a glorious demise it would be to burn up in space.

Donald Trump is already losing badly to Hillary Clinton. He is a weak candidate, and he's performing that way.

You want things to go well at a new club but life isn't that easy. So if you play badly you have to work more.

Perhaps not as badly applied and not as obvious, but for thousands of years, people have worn makeup on stage.

There is no doubt ISIS poses a clear, direct threat to the United States, and decisive action is badly needed.

When we make a mistake, it becomes front-page news. We don't need any reporter telling us how badly we played.

You can have anything in this world you want, if you want it badly enough and you're willing to pay the price.

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