Bad people are intriguing!

Making 'bad people' seem human is the key to making them really scary.

The bad news is that only the bad people reach the news because they are noisier.

There are bad people who would be less dangerous if they were quite devoid of goodness.

Why thrust your kid into that? You try to protect them from all the bad people out there.

I think we have reached the point where we can state definitively, that Nazis are bad people.

I've never thought about it before, but I suppose bad people might need someone to pray to, too.

For 'Breaking Bad,' people were with Walter White for 99% of that show, even though that guy is a monster.

It's always very important that you can completely disagree with someone, but it doesn't fundamentally mean that they are bad people.

Things can get only so bad. People want to eat, so at some point they resist further cuts to their consumption - it's not a bottomless pit.

Gun manufacturers and companies are responsible for bad products. They are not responsible for bad people who use their products improperly.

There are doctors who help people who have done bad things; there are lawyers who defend bad people. I don't think it's unique to my profession.

Usually, characters that are doing something nefarious have some extra layers to them. The general rule is bad people don't necessarily think they are bad.

I worry about global anti-Semitism - not just as a bad idea that originates from bad people, but also as something that arises as a challenge to global order.

When the economy is strong, people tend to buy three things from the top of their wish list. But when things are bad, people often buy only the first thing on their list.

I think for people who are inside these relationships that are really hard to leave, there is always a compelling reason to stay. It's not that they are wholly bad people.

I'm a very placid human being. I don't want to kill anyone. I guess I have played a lot of bad people in my career, so frustrations or angst can come out in any given role.

I've played a lot of these characters that aren't particularly pleasant and pretty powerful, bad people, and one thing I've discovered is that there's a real stillness to these guys.

'Twin Peaks' has got interesting characters. They are all different from anything anyone has ever seen before. You've had bad people before. But everyone's got little quirks, and everyone's interesting.

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