Sometimes in life, we need a few bad days in order to keep the good ones in perspective.

You have a bad day at the office, four people know. You suck in a movie, everyone knows.

QUOTES BOUQUET: You Have To Fight Through Some Bad Days To Earn The Best Days Of Your Life

He was tall and scrawny with a face that could be mistaken with Keith Richards on a bad day.

Bad days, good days, ‘I’ll cut you if you look at me the wrong way’ days. I’ll take them all.

I've been on the other side where I know that a bad day at WWE beats the best day at Staples.

When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try to treat the world better than it treated you.

If watching is all you're going to do, then you're going to watch your life go by without you.

Love is when you have a bad day but then you see the one you love and everything seems to be ok

Whether you win or lose, whether you have a good day or bad day, God is with you; He loves you.

You have good days and bad days, and depression's something that, you know, is always with you.

For anyone having a bad day just remember 'If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

We all have bad days, but one thing is true; no cloud is so dark that the sun can't shine through.

There are no great people in this world, only great challenges which ordinary people rise to meet.

Sometimes the one person that's bad for you is the person that on a bad day can make you feel good.

If someone is having a bad day, I find you can change it pretty quick by just showing that you care.

Sometimes you can have a reputation for not being relatable and nice because you had a bad day once.

In a houseful of toddlers and pets, you can start out having a bad day, but you keep getting detoured.

If you're having a bad day, or you're having a bad career, go to Manila. They'll bring your spirits up.

You must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. Your only limit is your soul.

Both 'OC' and 'Everwood,' there were people on set where you learned to stay away from them on a bad day.

I had bad days on the field. But I didn't take them home with me. I left them in a bar along the way home.

Music can change lives. Whether you are having a good or bad day, the power of music can change one's mood.

The game is supposed to be fun. If you had a bad day, don't worry. You can't expect to get a hit every game.

A bad day on the course doesn't have to mean a bad night and a bad week and you get to scream at your agent.

I squirrel away sealed greeting cards that people give me so I can open them later when I'm having a bad day.

Everybody had a bad day. It's possible to have two bad days in a row. And in this sport, it's so unforgiving.

If you're having a bad day, get on with your job, because you having a bad day can affect everyone around you.

I testify that bad days come to an end, that faith always triumphs, and that heavenly promises are always kept.

Ever since I was little, I loved soup! Whether I was sick or had a bad day, my momma would always make me soup!

Make a habit to remember God in your perfectly beautiful days, because in bad days even atheists do remember Him!

Our way is not soft grass, it's a mountain path with lots of rocks. But it goes upwards, forward, toward the sun.

There's nothing wrong with having a bad day. Let yourself feel those emotions because every emotion is validated.

Sometimes you have good days, and sometimes you have bad days. It really depends on how much caffeine you've had.

You can't start worrying about what's going to happen. You get spastic enough worrying about what's happening now.

I am a businessman. This is what I do each and every day. I love it. I love coming to work. I never have a bad day.

I have seriously thought about retiring, but that was on a good day. On a bad day I've thought about killing myself.

The Champions League is very difficult - there are so many big teams in Europe, and one bad day, and you can be out.

There is no bad day that can’t be overcome by listening to a barbershop quartet. This is just truth, plain and simple.

Golf isn't like other sports where you can take a player out if he's having a bad day. You have to play the whole game.

It's a bad day when you don't get the work done that you need to get done or you don't get it done to the satisfaction.

I think the one thing I have learned the most from all the veteran guys is kinda like not to dwell on a loss or a bad day.

There's nothing wrong or evil about having a bad day. There's everything wrong with making others have to have it with you.

Sometimes we're gonna have our bad days, but we must continue to work to be great. Keep smiling. It looks beautiful on you!!

The best boxers don't always qualify for the Olympics. You can easily have a bad day, but please God, that won't happen to me.

There's nothing wrong or evil about having a bad day. There's everything wrong with making others have to have it... with you.

Catch me on a good day, I think half of my books aren't too bad. Catch me on a bad day, I think I've never written a good line.

It's not a bad day at work when you just have to take your shirt off for a big franchise movie. There are worse jobs out there!

Nobody can walk on a track and beat me unless they have an extraordinary day and I have a bad day, which I keep from happening.

I get up every morning and it's going to be a great day. You never know when it's going to be over so I refuse to have a bad day.

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