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I have had national security background, 10 years on the Intelligence Committee, the last two years as chair.
My father was a teacher and my mother also worked in the school, so the family has a background in education.
Gospel influences your soul. If you've had church in your background... it's just a part of your musical DNA.
I did a lot of background and research on 'End Of Watch,' and I definitely used certain skills that I learned.
I come from a huge theater background. The whole action and stunt world just came as the roles were available.
My identity and my background still remain with me when I go to a foreign country. I have kept my nationality.
I grew up in Fall River, Massachusetts. My background was modest, and I worked at a Portuguese bakery in town.
It's a quality of my life that I wouldn't change for the world, having grown up with such a humble background.
You don't need a religious background to strive for something good, for genuine compassion and love for others.
A good short-story writer has an instinct for sketching in just enough background to ground the specific story.
Coming from an action background, I always approach the action sequences in any script as kind of placeholders.
One's mind has a way of making itself up in the background, and it suddenly becomes clear what one means to do.
Actually, I just want to entertain people. Put that in my obituary, a final picture, all dark in the background.
I believe all men, all women, regardless of race, gender, socioeconomic background, you deserve the same rights.
I always had a background belief in God. In other words, instinctually I've never doubted that we are not alone.
I want to establish myself as someone who can act and doesn't have to rely on my figure or modelling background.
It doesn't matter what background you come from; it doesn't matter what your circumstances are - you can survive.
I put out a recording of me singing mostly jazz because I wanted people to know I'm coming from a jazz background.
Bones tell me the story of a person's life - how old they were, what their gender was, their ancestral background.
Bowen is a Welsh name and the family background is more rugby than football, but we're English through and through.
On a standard space shuttle crew, two of the astronauts have a test pilot background - the commander and the pilot.
I find something fascinating about the quiet man in the background who has no desire to be the center of attention.
My background's working class. My parents had to work to make ends meet. We don't come from any sense of privilege.
How much can you do with two voices? You can sing thirds or you can sing fifths or you can do a background harmony.
Survival is the main objective. There are going to be some awful days, I know that from my background in the sport.
My family is a Jewish Iranian family, but I was born in Turkey and raised in Italy. So it's a very mixed background.
You get royalties from certain songs that you do when you do background. It's according to the work that you put in.
I grew up very much in a sporting background. I always wanted to be an actor, but my escapism always came in sports.
I come from a modest background. I put myself through college and law school and a postdoctorate program in tax law.
As an actor, you tend to draw on your human instincts and your background, what you've gone through as an individual.
I had a background in theater as an actor, and then a photographer, and then as an experimental filmmaker and editor.
My forebears refused to cut the sugar cane for plantation owners, and I am recognisably a product of that background.
My background is in physics, so I was the mission specialist, who is sort of like the flight engineer on an airplane.
I'm Jamaican, so I come from a very whip with two belts background - being sensitive isn't really part of my culture.
I have a multicultural background, so I tend to have an open mind about things, and I find other cultures interesting.
I come from a jazzy, acoustic, folky background. Everything has to work with melodies; the words have to have meaning.
The best voice actors all have a live performance background. And are competent, fearless, incredibly creative actors.
Every child in every neighborhood, of every color, class and background, deserves a school that will help them succeed.
I have a background in technology, design, architecture, arts and sciences. I see myself as a multi-dimensional person.
My iPhone background says, 'If you build it, they'll come.' You know, quality over quantity. And I really live by that.
I haven't come from a background where I've had it imbued in me from an early age that I'm destined to lead or to rule.
Sometimes I worked with just a background of a rock or a tree or black velvet, and just had to imagine the whole thing.
Creating the fictional background for a game world isn't significantly different from creating a background for fiction.
I am as much British, white and working class, my mother's background, as I am black and Nigerian, my father's heritage.
I believe that there are certain things that could be taken care of that you don't need a strong political background in.
Yeah, so I have, like, a YouTube channel where I kind of use my engineering background to make sort of ridiculous things.
Let's start with the church. As you know, it's my background, it's a natural setting for me and it's definitely my roots.
I wouldn't miss the fame. I don't go out hunting for it. I try to avoid it and to slip into the background wherever I go.
I come from an army background, and everyone at my home has a habit of getting up early. I continue this habit even today.
Without the meditative background that is criticism, works become isolated gestures, historical accidents, soon forgotten.