Nobody gets through life without experiencing some form of rejection, which is why everybody knows how awful it feels.

When I came up, it was all about originality and collective research. There is an awful lot of imitation going on now.

The world is awful but also the world is beautiful. Human beings are awful, but ultimately human beings are tremendous.

An awful lot of successful technology companies ended up being in a slightly different market than they started out in.

I wash my hands, wonder how an awful day could turn even worse. It seems like at some point you'd just run out of awful.

I used to go to the gym regularly and swim an awful lot, but that was when I was unemployed and knew leisure intimately.

Whatever had happened to him [Newt] out there — maybe even related to his lingering ankle injury — had been truly awful.

I sort of play golf because a lot of my friends are into it, but I'm awful - my handicap is about six or seven thousand.

But the words are easy and soothing, promising tomorrow will be more hopeful than this awful piece o time we call today.

I can't pretend that I did one really awful thing - I took a bite out of the apple but now I'm never going to sin again.

I just think that we show an awful lot of deference to chefs in our culture and maybe not enough deference to customers.

How many times had those awful words - "I know what I'm doing" - been uttered throughout history as prelude to disaster?

People are capable of doing an awful lot when they have no choice and I had no choice. Courage is when you have choices.

It is an awful, an appalling thought, that we may be, this moment and every moment, in the presence of malignant spirits.

The first video I ever made, announcing 'Crash the Super Bowl,' I did about fifty takes and I wanted to die. It was awful.

I opened the door and Lend smiled. 'They look better on you.' 'Wow, they must look just awful on you then.' I smiled back.

Don't we all have moments we'd rather forget, and thoughts we wished never came to us? We say things too awful to remember.

Never give up, never escape, take everything in, and perhaps suffer, that's not too awful either, but never, never give up.

The way that these girls keep themselves skinny is awful, isn't it? By vomiting or using hard drugs - which I can't afford.

Everything always gets crazy at the end. You just have to keep going, regardless of how awful it gets. So that's what I do.

There are more useful systems developed in languages deemed awful than in languages praised for being beautiful - many more.

There's an awful temptation to just keep on researching. There comes a point where you just have to stop, and start writing.

There is a way of looking at an awful place from a certain angle that allows it to take on a beauty because it is what it is.

There's a lot that is awful. That's the struggle of getting old. To make sure you don't let what's hard...obscure the beauty.

I've spent an awful lot of my time in the air. I've had everything happen to me in a plane that could happen. Except a crash.

Hillary Clinton, as an awful judge of the character of a dictator and butcher in the Middle East. Is she guilty or not guilty?

Can you imagine how terrible it is when you've got everything and you're still desperately lonely? That is awful beyond words.

The most awful thing about power is not that it corrupts absolutely but that it makes people so utterly boring, so predictable.

Convictions, in the end, they can be dangerous, but a world without them is just kind of an awful kind of gray, amorphous mass.

For me personally it is because I get an awful amount of success and I don't think I deserve it and then I want to sabotage it.

An awful lot of gay pop stars pretend to be straight. I'm going to start a movement of straight pop stars pretending to be gay.

But how awful would that be? How terrible to live surrounded by the stark, sharp, hollowness of things that simply were enough?

There are still an awful lot of intelligent, clever constructive Americans and they are still doing clever constructive things.

Failure is an awful thing, and when I look at the common denominator of failure, it seems to always be the same thing: excuses.

I always thought that if I got no love at all early in my standup career, or I was god awful, I thought I'd get into psychology.

Do you ever get the feeling that something awful might happen?' James asked me. . . I sat up. 'I'm the awful thing that happens.

There is one knows not what sweet mystery about this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath.

One of the most important things you learn from the internet is that there is no 'them' out there. It’s just an awful lot of 'us.'

"How could you think of such awful things?" liberal critics always ask. "How else could I possibly amuse myself?" I always wonder.

One of the most important things you learn from the Internet is that there is no 'them' out there. It's just an awful lot of 'us.'

When we [people] are operating from the belief that we're not connected, it feels so dangerous and scary and vulnerable and awful.

That's one thing Earthlings might learn to do, if they tried hard enough: Ignore the awful times and concentrate on the good ones.

We may repeat the awful revolutionary history of the 20th century because of the vulnerability of social movements to demagoguery.

I don't know if you've ever had insomnia, but it's a really terrible feeling when it's days and weeks on end. It was kind of awful.

I have always loved the Day of the Dead - a chance to celebrate death rather than to treat it like that awful scene in the cemetery.

Life in Lubbock, Texas, taught me ... that sex is the most awful, filthy thing on earth and you should save it for someone you love.

I assure you that some of the most awesome things God has ever done for me have come out of the most awful things I’d done to myself.

There are an awful lot of readers who won't pick up a book if they think it's got anything horrific in it, or paranormal or whatever.

I've never done so much bloody crying in my life. I was always moaning about how hard it was when we were shooting, how awful I felt.

That's the way it is: you have to show your initiative, you have to show talent and availability, and still have an awful lot of luck.

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