Wagner has lovely moments but awful quarters of an hour.

I had an awful lot of my soul invested in Atari culture.

How awful to reflect that what people say of us is true!

It was a silence that heard itself, awful and beautiful.

The idea of what it is like to lose everything is awful.

Abash'd the Devil stood, And felt how awful goodness is.

There are an awful lot of skinny people in the cemetery.

When something awful happens, sometimes people get stuck.

It is awful to want to go away and to want to go nowhere.

The idea of having Australians upset at me is just awful.

Ignore the awful times, and concentrate on the good ones.

Sometimes I had to room with Tony Kaye and that was awful.

I get an awful lot of fan mail, and I read all that I can.

Altamont... I remember all of that. That was an awful day.

Human beings can be awful, but they can also be tremendous.

I am a fan of sequels even though they are inevitably awful.

Ive read an awful lot of books, Ive read alot of awful books

I once broke up with a boy because he wrote me an awful poem.

Nothing's that simple, not even things that are simply awful.

In '87, I used to do this awful, awful James Brown impression.

Anything awful makes me laugh. I misbehaved once at a funeral.

There was something awful about terror trapped behind silence.

Wrong takes an awful long time to be proven, in my experience.

Sure the jews killed jesus, but the guy was an awful carpenter

The awful thing about life is this: everyone has their reasons.

Broken people say awful things and do incredibly absurd things.

For a straight man, I seem to have to kiss an awful lot of men!

I'm terrible with money, absolutely awful. I'm always losing it.

There's an awful lot of blood around that water is thicker than.

Let it die. Let there be a new beginning. It’s awful. Goodnight.

We seem to be paying some of our employees an awful lot of money.

The awful importance of this life is that it determines eternity.

I know I have an awful lot to learn from the people of Minnesota.

New York is a wonderful place to be up, an awful place to be down.

I may have had a tough break, but I have an awful lot to live for.

I usually don't agree with what I say very much. I'm an awful liar.

Tomorrows were full of awful things. Today, now, was the essential.

I'm awful with directions, and I'm not very handy around the house.

The reason men are so awful is because some woman has spoiled them.

There is an awful warmth about my heart like a load of immortality.

I'm a very good dishwasher. I'm a terrible cook. I'm an awful cook.

I might have had a tough break; but I have an awful lot to live for.

If I'm a lousy writer, then an awful lot of people have lousy taste.

The terrible importance of this life is that it determines eternity.

For God's sake bring me a large Scotch. What a bloody awful country.

Where Washington hath left His awful memory A light for after times!

I really romanticized being pregnant. Then I realized, this is awful!

I've worked with an awful lot of people. Katy Hepburn, Spencer Tracy.

How awful to be a perfect beauty! How confusing! God. Can you imagine?

But really death seems the least awful thing that can happen to someone

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